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  1. Correlates and consequences of stress in infancyLandauer, Thomas K. - Handbook of Cross-Cultural Human Development, 1981 - 3 Hypotheses

    This study is a continuation of previous research on the relationship between stress during infancy and adult height. With a better understanding of the stressors that infants experience and their effects, the authors test whether the relationship between stress and adult height remains significant when accounting for other environmental factors that may influence adult height. Results suggest that the relationship between infant stress and adult height does remain significant. Findings also show a relationship between infant stress and age at menarche.

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  2. Height and sexual dimorphism of stature among human societiesGray, J. Patrick - American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1980 - 6 Hypotheses

    This article explores the relationship between sexual dimorphism of stature and variables of marriage, diet, subsistence and environment. Significant associations were found between security and plentifulness of food supply, protein availability, and sexual dimorphism of stature.

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  3. Global human mandibular variation reflects differences in agricultural and hunter-gatherer subsistence strategiesvon Cramon-Taubadel, Noreen - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011 - 2 Hypotheses

    The researchers test the relationship between global mandibular morphology variation and susbsistence economy, population history, geography, and climate. While some mandibular variation is significantly correlated with geography, the most significant relationship is with subsistence activity. The strength of the relationship leads the authors to speculate on how masticatory behavior might have affected jaw shape, either through stress, weaning behavior, or other demographic factors.

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  4. Infantile stimulation and adult stature of human malesLandauer, Thomas K. - American Anthropologist, 1964 - 1 Hypotheses

    In previous studies, researchers have observed an increased growth rate in rats that experienced stimulation during infancy. This study examines the relationship between stressful experiences during infancy and adult male stature in humans cross-culturally. Results suggest a strong positive relationship between infant stress and adult male stature.

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  5. Human milk immune factors, maternal nutritional status, and infant sex: The INSPIRE studyCaffé, Beatrice - American Journal of Human Biology, 2023 - 1 Hypotheses

    The Trivers-Willard hypothesis posits that concentrations of human milk immune factors vary with maternal condition (maternal diet diversity and body mass index) and the sex of the infant. Using linear mixed-effects models to analyze 358 milk samples from 10 international sites, the authors find minimal support for the Trivers-Willard hypothesis; only one immune factor, IgG, exhibited a significant relationship.

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  6. A Cross-Cultural Nutrition Survey of 118 Societies, Representing the Major Cultural and Geographic Areas of the WorldWhiting, Marjorie Grant - , 1958 - 22 Hypotheses

    Dietary variation has been implicated in population-level heath outcomes such as adult height and infant health. Here the author investigates these relationships in a sample of 118 nonindustrial societies, providing a comparative and quantitative assessment of nutrition and health cross-culturally.

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  7. A cross-cultural investigation into the sexual dimorphism of statureWolfe, Linda D. - Sexual Dimorphism in Homo sapiens: A Question of Size, 1982 - 3 Hypotheses

    This article examines height and sexual dimorphism of stature from a sociobiological perspective. Diet, child rearing, and marriage practices are tested as possible factors contributing to height sexual dimorphism of stature. Results provide some support for a nutritional hypotheses, but sexual selection and parental investment are not statistically significant.

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  8. Distinctiveness and femininity, rather than symmetry and masculinity, affect facial attractiveness across the worldKleisner, Karelq - Evolution and Human Behavior, 2024 - 3 Hypotheses

    This study examines three human facial variables to assess facial attractiveness: symmetry, sex-typicality, and distinctiveness. The goal is to understand whether perceived facial attractiveness might explain human mate choice. The authors use Bayesian multilevel regression analyses and 72 standardized frontal facial landmarks to explore the structural aspects of opposite-sex facial attractiveness preferences for both females and males. They used a sample of 1,550 faces from 10 countries. The results show that 1) distinctiveness is negatively correlated with attractiveness, 2) symmetry does not have a significant association with attractiveness, and 3) sex-typicality is positively correlated with female facial attractiveness but not the other way around. The authors also used a model with body height and BMI, but only some cases had enough information. Although with limitations, their results show that a lower BMI is associated with higher perceived female attractiveness. There is no significant association between BMI and perceived male attractiveness.

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  9. Human variation in the shape of the birth canal is significant and geographically structuredBetti, Lia - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2018 - 5 Hypotheses

    The 'obstetrical dilemma' postulates that human females evolved a pelvis shape that was a compromise between the needs of bipedal locomotion and the need for a wider pelvic opening. The implication is that the female pelvis should be similar across the world. Researchers examine the size and shape of the birth canal of female individuals in the Goldman and Human Origin datasets. Contrary to the 'obstetrical dilemma,' the findings reveal that there is indeed significant geographical variation in size and shape of the female birth canal. Neutral evolutionary processes, particularly genetic drift, were suggested to be influential in female canal shape whereas the predicted effects of climate on canal diversity were only minimal.

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  10. Statistical Mechanics of Social Hierarchies: A Mathematical Model for the Evolution of Human Societal StructuresCaticha, Nestor, Calsaverini, Rafael S., Vincente, Renato - Physics, 2024 - 2 Hypotheses

    For thousands of years, scholars have been theorizing about why human groups structure themselves the way they do, allowing more power and freedom to certain individuals and less to others. This article takes an evolutionist approach to that question, using a variety of mathematical models to predict changes in social organization throughout the evolutionary history of humanity and its ancestors, accounting for changes in brain size and global human populations. The authors validate their models using data from the ethnographic record. In general, they find that tendency towards hierarchy decreases with bigger brain size but increases with global population growth.

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