Found 2624 Hypotheses across 263 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. "[In patrilocal societies, and also in matrilocal societies,] the proportion of societies with a distinctive role for the mother's brother . . . increase[d] as the lineal-emphasis scale scores increased . . ." (1012)Sweetser, Dorrian Apple - On the incompatibility of duty and affection: a note on the role of the mot..., 1966 - 3 Variables

    This article discusses the role of the mother's brother. Results suggest that role of the mother's brother is associated with descent and residence.

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  2. "The role of the mother's brother toward [ego] ought to vary with that of the mother's brother toward the mother. Assuming that the mother is to some degree superior to the boy, then if the mother's brother has some authority over the boy, one would expect him to have some authority over the mother. If he has none over the son, being close and indulgent, he should have no authority over the mother" (292)Sweetser, Dorrian Apple - Path consistency in directed graphs and social structure, 1967 - 2 Variables

    This study uses "rules of combination" to describe internal order in social groups. The author examines kinship structure, and specifically the relationship of the mother's brother towards the son. Results support the hypothesis.

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  3. "Women avoid their parents-in-law in the same type of situation [as men do], and in addition they are likely to avoid if the mother's brother has no role to play" (313)Sweetser, Dorrian Apple - Avoidance, social affiliation, and the incest taboo, 1966 - 4 Variables

    This article examines parent-in-law avoidance in non-industrial societies. The author suggests that in-law avoidance is associated with characteristics of kinship structure, such as lineality, residence and family type. A psychological interpretation is also offered. Results support hypotheses relating to kinship structure.

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  4. "There appeared to be a statistically significant association between patrilinearity and instrumental leadership of the father and father's sister and expressive leadership of mother's brother" (66)Berting, J. - Solidarity, stratification and sentiment: the unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article tests differing theories of why a man's marriage of his mother's brother's daughter is often encouraged while marriage of the father's sister's daughter is discouraged. Maintenance of relationships between bride-givers and bride takers is considered, as are the role of childhood sentiments in choosing a spouse.

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  5. "Men avoid their parents-in-law in societies with a strong lineal emphasis but which have fragmented and impermanent family groups" (313)Sweetser, Dorrian Apple - Avoidance, social affiliation, and the incest taboo, 1966 - 3 Variables

    This article examines parent-in-law avoidance in non-industrial societies. The author suggests that in-law avoidance is associated with characteristics of kinship structure, such as lineality, residence and family type. A psychological interpretation is also offered. Results support hypotheses relating to kinship structure.

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  6. "Residence proved to be unrelated to avoidance [of parents-in-law] by either husband or wife" (313)Sweetser, Dorrian Apple - Avoidance, social affiliation, and the incest taboo, 1966 - 2 Variables

    This article examines parent-in-law avoidance in non-industrial societies. The author suggests that in-law avoidance is associated with characteristics of kinship structure, such as lineality, residence and family type. A psychological interpretation is also offered. Results support hypotheses relating to kinship structure.

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  7. Contrary to the findings of William N. Stephens no significant association was found between avoidance and a long postpartum sex taboo (311)Sweetser, Dorrian Apple - Avoidance, social affiliation, and the incest taboo, 1966 - 2 Variables

    This article examines parent-in-law avoidance in non-industrial societies. The author suggests that in-law avoidance is associated with characteristics of kinship structure, such as lineality, residence and family type. A psychological interpretation is also offered. Results support hypotheses relating to kinship structure.

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  8. "For societies in which the relationships of grandchildren are the same with both sets of grandparents, . . . when the grandparental generation continues to exercise considerable authority over the parental generation after the grandchildren are born, the relation of the grandchildren to the grandparents will not be one of friendly equality . . . ; when there is no such authority, there will be friendly equality" (657)Apple, Dorrian - The social structure of grandparenthood, 1956 - 2 Variables

    This study reports on a structural analysis which is suggested to confirm and expand upon Nadel's (1951) hypothesis that friendly equality between grandparents and grandchildren appears only with certain patterns of authority in the family.

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  9. "If the grandchildren's relation with one set of grandparents has less friendly equality than with the other, the former grandparents will be those related to the grandchildren through the parent who possesses (or whose lineage member possesses) more household authority in the nuclear family" (657)Apple, Dorrian - The social structure of grandparenthood, 1956 - 2 Variables

    This study reports on a structural analysis which is suggested to confirm and expand upon Nadel's (1951) hypothesis that friendly equality between grandparents and grandchildren appears only with certain patterns of authority in the family.

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  10. "When mBd [mother's brother's daughter] marriage is found, there will probably be a status differentiation between the bride-taking and the bride-giving group" (60)Berting, J. - Solidarity, stratification and sentiment: the unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article tests differing theories of why a man's marriage of his mother's brother's daughter is often encouraged while marriage of the father's sister's daughter is discouraged. Maintenance of relationships between bride-givers and bride takers is considered, as are the role of childhood sentiments in choosing a spouse.

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