Found 4444 Hypotheses across 445 Pages (0.04 seconds)
  1. Gossip will be more important in societies with more institutionalization (298, 303).Demerath, Loren - The importance of gossip across societies: correlations with institutionaliz..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the theory that gossip, as a method of obtaining information and creating a meaningful social environment, increases in importance with society complexity. Forms of gossip in highly "modernized" societies, which are rare in the cross-cultural sample, are discussed. In addition, the authors explore associations between gender autonomy and the importance of gossip.

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  2. Levels of gender autonomy, urbanization, and loyalty to wider society will all have significant effects on gossip importance (306-7).Demerath, Loren - The importance of gossip across societies: correlations with institutionaliz..., 2015 - 4 Variables

    This article investigates the theory that gossip, as a method of obtaining information and creating a meaningful social environment, increases in importance with society complexity. Forms of gossip in highly "modernized" societies, which are rare in the cross-cultural sample, are discussed. In addition, the authors explore associations between gender autonomy and the importance of gossip.

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  3. Gossip will be more important in societies with higher levels of stratification (298, 303).Demerath, Loren - The importance of gossip across societies: correlations with institutionaliz..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the theory that gossip, as a method of obtaining information and creating a meaningful social environment, increases in importance with society complexity. Forms of gossip in highly "modernized" societies, which are rare in the cross-cultural sample, are discussed. In addition, the authors explore associations between gender autonomy and the importance of gossip.

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  4. Gossip will be more important, rather than less important, in larger communities (298, 301).Demerath, Loren - The importance of gossip across societies: correlations with institutionaliz..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the theory that gossip, as a method of obtaining information and creating a meaningful social environment, increases in importance with society complexity. Forms of gossip in highly "modernized" societies, which are rare in the cross-cultural sample, are discussed. In addition, the authors explore associations between gender autonomy and the importance of gossip.

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  5. Trance types will be associated with societal characteristics (47-68).Bourguignon, Erika - A cross-cultural study of dissociational states, 1968 - 14 Variables

    The expressed purpose of the present publication is to provide a typology of institutionalized dissociational states on a world-wide basis, using biological, situational, and cultural parameters. The study is comprised of field work, literature review, ethnographic research, and cross-cultural statistical analysis. The researchers use these findings to aid in the construction of cross-cultural theory, and to provide a platform for further work on dissociational states to continue.

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  6. "Institutionalized forms of dissociational states are found in all parts of the world...belief in possession by spirits, whether or not expressed in dissociation, while also widespread, is somewhat less prominent"(39).Bourguignon, Erika - A cross-cultural study of dissociational states, 1968 - 0 Variables

    The expressed purpose of the present publication is to provide a typology of institutionalized dissociational states on a world-wide basis, using biological, situational, and cultural parameters. The study is comprised of field work, literature review, ethnographic research, and cross-cultural statistical analysis. The researchers use these findings to aid in the construction of cross-cultural theory, and to provide a platform for further work on dissociational states to continue.

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  7. Each trance type will be associated with a particular profile of societal characteristics, and will predominate in one (and to a lesser extent in a second) of the six major ethnographic regions (46).Bourguignon, Erika - A cross-cultural study of dissociational states, 1968 - 0 Variables

    The expressed purpose of the present publication is to provide a typology of institutionalized dissociational states on a world-wide basis, using biological, situational, and cultural parameters. The study is comprised of field work, literature review, ethnographic research, and cross-cultural statistical analysis. The researchers use these findings to aid in the construction of cross-cultural theory, and to provide a platform for further work on dissociational states to continue.

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  8. Bloodletting tends to be practiced in a colocalized manner.Miton, Helen - Universal cognitive mechanisms explain the cultural success of bloodletting, 2015 - 1 Variables

    Authors test three explanations as to why bloodletting is such a near-universal therapeutic cultural practice in "the west." Using references from HRAF's database which are then re-coded for colocalization, practitioner, and cultural explanation, they find that bloodletting is practiced therapeutically by many unrelated cultures worldwide; it is heterogeneous in both form and cultural significance across the globe while still fairly ubiquitous in general. Authors posit that the widespread propensity toward bloodletting in human populations is explained by the universality of affecting/affected cognitive mechanisms. After analyzing cultural data in eHRAF, authors incorporated experiments and modeling that further supported this conclusion.

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  9. A wide variety of tools will be used to perform bloodletting.Miton, Helen - Universal cognitive mechanisms explain the cultural success of bloodletting, 2015 - 1 Variables

    Authors test three explanations as to why bloodletting is such a near-universal therapeutic cultural practice in "the west." Using references from HRAF's database which are then re-coded for colocalization, practitioner, and cultural explanation, they find that bloodletting is practiced therapeutically by many unrelated cultures worldwide; it is heterogeneous in both form and cultural significance across the globe while still fairly ubiquitous in general. Authors posit that the widespread propensity toward bloodletting in human populations is explained by the universality of affecting/affected cognitive mechanisms. After analyzing cultural data in eHRAF, authors incorporated experiments and modeling that further supported this conclusion.

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  10. Bloodletting is generally practiced by specialized third parties.Miton, Helen - Universal cognitive mechanisms explain the cultural success of bloodletting, 2015 - 1 Variables

    Authors test three explanations as to why bloodletting is such a near-universal therapeutic cultural practice in "the west." Using references from HRAF's database which are then re-coded for colocalization, practitioner, and cultural explanation, they find that bloodletting is practiced therapeutically by many unrelated cultures worldwide; it is heterogeneous in both form and cultural significance across the globe while still fairly ubiquitous in general. Authors posit that the widespread propensity toward bloodletting in human populations is explained by the universality of affecting/affected cognitive mechanisms. After analyzing cultural data in eHRAF, authors incorporated experiments and modeling that further supported this conclusion.

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