Climate change concern, personal responsibility and actions related to climate change mitigation in EU countries: Cross-cultural analysis

Journal of Cleaner Production Vol/Iss. 281 Elsevier Amsterdam Published In Pages: 1-13
By Jakucionyte-Skodiene, Migle, Liobikiene, Genovaite


Certain aspects of Hofstede's (2001) cultural dimensions will be correlated with climate change concern, personal responsibility, and mitigation actions


Of the 18 correlations, 9 were significant. The 5 positive correlations were climate change concern and "uncertanty avoidance" and both personal responsibility and mitigation actions with both "individualism" and "indulgence." The 4 negative correlations were both personal responsibility and mitigation actions with both "power distance" and "uncertainty avoidance.'


Test NameSupportSignificanceCoefficientTail
Spearman's rhoSupported for 9 of 18 variables - see note for directionsp<0.05 for 9 correlationsMultiple r valuesUNKNOWN