Naming and identity: a cross-cultural study of personal naming practices

HRAF Press New Haven Published In Pages: ??
By Alford, Richard


Naming institutions which confer parenthood will be positively associated with societal size, complexity, and use of unilineal descent (32).


Most significant correlations occurred with formality of judicial authority (Tau = 0.23, p < 0.01), sex-typed names (Tau = 0.19, p < 0.01), and picking of names by aunts or uncles (Tau = 0.19, p < 0.01). At p < 0.05 significance, the variables elaborate birth ceremonies, naming signifies social legitimacy, exuvial magic, totemism, divorce rate, and patrilineal descent are positively associated, and 'given name' as exclusive naming component, mother picks name, uniqueness of names, teknonymy, name changes in individual's life, headhunting, and bilateral descent are negatively associated.


Test NameSupportSignificanceCoefficientTail
Kendall's TauSupportedp < 0.05UNKNOWNUNKNOWN