Found 1075 Documents across 108 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. A cross cultural survey of some sex differences in socializationBarry III, Herbert - Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1957 - 2 Hypotheses

    This paper explores sex differences in socialization for boys and girls after describing the worldwide distribution of sex differences in five aspects of socialization; the authors explore conditions that may produce larger differences.

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  2. Community customs associated with political subordinationBarry III, Herbert - Social Evolution & History, 2003 - 10 Hypotheses

    This study focuses on variables associated with the subordination of community government. A detailed discussion of the specific relationships is presented.

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  3. Corporal punishment and other formative experiences associated with violent crimesBarry III, Herbert - The Journal pf Psychohistory, 2007 - 1 Hypotheses

    The focus of this article is the frequency of violent crimes. Five fomative experiences that are correlated with frequent violent crime by individuals are presented. This study uses the same sample as Ember and Ember (1992).

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  4. Cultural influences on childhood participation in adult activitiesBarry III, Herbert - Cross-Cultural Research, 1996 - 9 Hypotheses

    This article uses ethnographic reports on a world wide sample of societies for rating frequency of participation by children in adult activities and degree of permissive treatment of children.

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  5. Early childhood precursors of adolescent initiation ceremoniesBarry III, Herbert - Ethos, 1980 - 3 Hypotheses

    This study presents a psychological theory for adolescent initiation ceremonies. Findings support the hypothesis that initiation is a mechanism for maintaining continuity between the stages of childhood and adulthood, when the body is physiologically in discontinuity.

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  6. Multiple predictors of contributions by women to agricultureBarry III, Herbert - Cross-Cultural Research, 2002 - 1 Hypotheses

    This is a preliminary study of predictors of female contribution to agriculture. Results suggest that several variables are significantly related to female contribution to agriculture rather than one dominant variable.

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  7. Customs associated with premarital sexual freedom in 143 societiesBarry III, Herbert - Cross-Cultural Research, 2007 - 8 Hypotheses

    Using a multiple regression model, this article looks at seven customs that are associated with a high degree of premarital sexual freedom of adolescents. Each of the customs is shown to have an independently statistically significant association with premarital sexual freedom.

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  8. A cross-cultural study of drunkennessDavis, William N. - , 1964 - 18 Hypotheses

    This study examines the influence of the "child-adult" conflict on the frequency of drunkenness in a culture. In particular, the author examines the socio-psychological factors that can induce a child-adult conflict, claiming that this conflict may be more common when mothers are the primary dispensers of rewards.

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  9. Wealth concentration associated with frequent violent crime in diverse communitiesBarry III, Herbert - Social Evolution & History, 2007 - 4 Hypotheses

    This article tests the general hypothesis that frequency of violent crimes by individuals is related to high concentrations of wealth.

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  10. Differences between otherwise similar communities reveal cultural linkages with higher government levelsBarry III, Herbert - Social Evolution & History, 2009 - 1 Hypotheses

    This study examines pairwise differences between similar cultures in order to minimize cultural variation within the SCCS and reveal possible correlates of cultural complexity. Results suggest that one measure of complexity (government above the community level) is significantly associated with several other variables.

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