Found 2 Documents across 1 Pages (0.001 seconds)
  1. Woman's workload and infant feeding practices: a relationship with demographic implicationsNerlove, Sara - Ethnology, 1974 - 1 Hypotheses

    This article examines the effect of infant care on women's contribution to subsistence. Results suggest that women who begin supplementary feeding of their infants early participate in subsistence activities to a greater degree than women who begin supplementary feedings later.

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  2. Sibling terminology and cross-sex behaviorNerlove, Sara - American Anthropologist, 1967 - 3 Hypotheses

    This article examines variation in kinship terminology. The authors develop a new typology of kinds of kinship terminologies, and they propose that terminologies will distinguish siblings of the same and opposite gender when there is a cultural emphasis on cross-sex relations. Empirical analysis supports that a prolonged post-partum sex taboo (rather than sibling avoidance) predicts the presence of a primary cross-parallel component in sibling terminology.

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