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  1. The search for a guardian spirit: a process of empowerment in simpler societiesSwanson, Guy E. - Ethnology, 1973 - 5 Hypotheses

    The complex set of beliefs and practices in which the cult of the guardian spirit consisted is examined.

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  2. Monotheism, materialism, and collective purpose: an analysis of underhill's correlationsSwanson, Guy E. - American Journal of Sociology, 1975 - 1 Hypotheses

    This article contests Underhill’s (1975) claim that monotheism is associated more strongly with subsistence than political organization in preindustrial societies. The author asserts that when political organization is held constant, there is no relationship between subsistence strategy and monotheism. Number of sovereign groups is found to be a good predictor of monotheism.

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  3. Trance and possession: studies of charismatic influenceSwanson, Guy E. - Review of Religious Research, 1978 - 4 Hypotheses

    This study examines correlates of trance and possession in pre-industrial societies. Results suggest that the presence of trance/possession is associated with subsistence, number of jurisdictional levels, and community decision-making.

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  4. An organizational analysis of collectivitiesSwanson, Guy E. - American Sociological Review, 1971 - 2 Hypotheses

    This paper introduces a typology that “classifies collectivities according to fundamentals of their organization for making decisions and taking action” (607). Analysis focuses on the constitutional system and its relationship with need achievement and narcissism. Hypotheses are supported.

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  5. The birth of the gods; the origin of primitive beliefsSwanson, Guy E. - , 1960 - 10 Hypotheses

    This book investigates the origins of supernatural and religious beliefs. The author tests associations between various types of beliefs (e.g. witchcraft, monotheism) and various societal characteristics (e.g. mobility, class stratification). Many hypotheses are supported. Theoretical discussion is included, and the author posits that “the belief in a particular kind of spirit springs from experiences with a type of persisting sovereign group whose area of jurisdiction corresponds to that attributed to the spirit” (175).

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