Found 2 Documents across 1 Pages (0 seconds)
  1. Political power and information: a cross-cultural studyWirsing, Rolf - American Anthropologist, 1973 - 1 Hypotheses

    This article suggests that political executives' use of power is functionally related to the number of structural, hierarchical levels where political information is stored and retrieved. Empirical analysis supports this hypothesis, and relevant theory is discussed.

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  2. Borrowing versus migration as selection factors in cultural evolutionNaroll, Raoul - Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1976 - 1 Hypotheses

    This paper investigates two mechanisms of cultural evolution: peaceful diffusion and warlike migration. Two societies, one for each mechanism, were compared to a base society on 11 culture traits. Eight of the 11 traits diffused more readily through peaceful borrowing than through warlike migration. The authors conclude that eliminating warlike migration would slow cultural evolution but that peaceful borrowing is a favored mechanism for culture contact and change.

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