Found 965 Documents across 97 Pages (0.041 seconds)
  1. Affiliations: Structural Determinants of Differential Divorce RatesAckerman, Charles - American Journal of Sociology, 1963 - 4 Hypotheses

    Ackerman performs a cross-cultural analysis on the structural determinants of divorce rate as originally hypothesized by Max Gluckman and elaborated on by other researchers. Ackerman's results suggest that when spouses share a network of affiliation, divorce rates are low; when spouses maintain separate affiliations, divorce rates are high. Ackerman's statistical analysis and discussion provide an explanatory framework for further research.

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  2. Divorce and the status of womenPearson, Jr., Willie - Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1979 - 3 Hypotheses

    This paper reports on a cross-cultural test of the theory that higher status of women causes higher divorce rates. This theory has typically been expressed in terms of variations in family authority or in terms of women's economic opportunities (375).

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  3. Male dominance and female autonomy: domestic authority in matrilineal societiesSchlegel, Alice - , 1972 - 15 Hypotheses

    This book examines male and female power in various kinship configurations. Variables for male dominance and female autonomy are associated with various political and social variables, such as political complexity and co-wife jealousy. Several hypotheses are supported.

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  4. Bilateral kinship: centripetal and centrifugal types of organizationFarber, Bernard - Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1975 - 7 Hypotheses

    This paper describes a typology which is intended to indicate the kinds of family and kinship structures associated with the conflicting requirements of cohesion and differentiation of broader social structures.

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  5. A function of marriage ceremonyKitahara, Michio - Anthropologica, N.S., 1974 - 4 Hypotheses

    The purpose of this paper is to examine marriage ceremony by generalizing an assumption underlying certain studies of puberty rites. It is hypothesized that when marriage ceremonies are viewed as a rite of passage they will be demonstrative of the changes the self experiences after marriage.

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  6. Naming and identity: a cross-cultural study of personal naming practicesAlford, Richard - , 1987 - 14 Hypotheses

    This book examines naming practices cross-culturally. The author posits that naming practices help to both reflect and create conceptions of personal identity. Several correlations between name meanings and practices and various sociocultural variables are presented.

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  7. Uterine vs. agnatic kinship variability and associated cousin marriage preferences: an evolutionary biological analysisFlinn, Mark V. - Natural Selection and Social Behavior: recent research and new theory, 1981 - 4 Hypotheses

    This study discusses many variables that may influence the direction of altruism within a family. Significant relationships were found between paternity certainty, conjugal instability, marital residence, cross-cousin marriage preferences, and direction of altruistic behavior. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of the mother's brother.

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  8. Divorce for childlessness and the regulation of adulteryRosenblatt, Paul C. - Journal of Sex Research, 1972 - 3 Hypotheses

    This study attempts to expand on the list of common customs employed to cope with childlessness in a marriage. Authors specifically examine the relationship between the presence of customs that help cope with childlessness and the severity of punishment for adultery. Results indicate a significant relationship between these two variables.

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  9. Cultural patterning of sexual beliefs and behaviorMinturn, Leigh - Ethnology, 1969 - 12 Hypotheses

    This paper is concerned with the variation in sexual behavior in humans. Authors test hypotheses regarding the relationships between sexual behaviors and beliefs concerning sex.

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  10. A Cross-Cultural Summary: PolygynyTextor, Robert B. - , 1967 - 21 Hypotheses

    Textor summarizes cross-cultural findings on polygyny pertaining to cultural, environmental, psychological, and social phenomena.

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