Found 737 Documents across 74 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. Population estimation from floor area: a restudy of "naroll's constant"Brown, Barton McCaul - Cross-Cultural Research, 1987 - 4 Hypotheses

    A restudy of Naroll's (1962) measure of dwelling floor area using theory that it is predicted by the basic needs for protection from climate and crowding. This theory is not supported by the findings but Brown posits a new average for estimating floor area in dwellings based on his sample.

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  2. Floor area and settlement populationNaroll, Raoul - American Antiquity, 1962 - 1 Hypotheses

    This paper discusses the relationship between floor area and settlement population.

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  3. Architecture as a material correlate of mobility strategies: some implications for archeological interpretationDiehl, Michael W. - Behavior Science Research, 1992 - 4 Hypotheses

    This article investigates a possible association between mobility strategy and dwelling construction. The author tests a broad hypothesis that planned duration of use for a structure is positively associated with the investment costs in building a dwelling. Some operational hypotheses are supported; others are not.

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  4. Cultural correlates of ceramic stylesPeregrine, Peter N. - Cross-Cultural Research, 2007 - 5 Hypotheses

    This study replicates John L. Fischer's (1961) cross-cultural analysis to demonstrate the correlation between art styles and social hierarchy and postmarital residence. The author suggests that archaeological ceramics might be used to predict social characteristics of prehistoric societies.

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  5. Effects of residential mobility on the ratio of average house floor area to average household size: implications for demographic reconstructions in archaeologyPorcic, Marko - Cross-Cultural Research, 2012 - 1 Hypotheses

    Examines whether nomadism affects the ratio of average house floor area to average household size.

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  6. An archaeological indicator of matrilocal versus patrilocal residenceEmber, Melvin - American Antiquity, 1973 - 1 Hypotheses

    The study suggests an archaeological indicator of matrilocal versus patrilocal residence. The cross-cultural samples suggest that matrilocal versus patrilocal residence can be simply and accurately predicted from the living floor area of the average house in the society.

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  7. Living floor area and marital resdienceDivale, William Tulio - Cross-Cultural Research, 1977 - 1 Hypotheses

    This study builds on the work of Melvin Ember (1973) regarding living floor area of dwellings and its relationship to marital residence. The original results are replicated.

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  8. Paternal behavior and group competitionAlcorta, Candace Storey - Behavior Science Research, 1982 - 2 Hypotheses

    The author, Candace Alcorta, theorizes that low population density gives rise to a suite of factors that together are predictive of a society with internally directed population control strategies. In turn, there is an emphasis for a cooperative internal economic system among family, and a higher investment by fathers in their children.

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  9. Universality and diversity in human songMehr, Samuel A. - Science, 2019 - 6 Hypotheses

    In asking whether or not there are meaningful universals in music, researchers compiled two catalogs – the Natural History of Song (NHS) Ethnography which contains ethnographic descriptions of song performances collected from eHRAF World Cultures, and the NHS Discography, which contains field recordings of performances of dance, healing, love, and lullaby. Using these two corpora, the study tests a variety of hypotheses about the universality and variability of both music behavior and music form. Specifically, whether there are meaningful universals in meaning and sound. The catalog of published sound recordings was analyzed by machine summaries, listener ratings, and manual transcriptions, which revealed that there were identifiable features of songs which could then predict their primary function cross-culturally. The results as a whole revealed that the existence of music is a cultural universal, and that the variation within music can be characterized by three factors assessing the formality, arousal, and religiosity of the song events. They also found that musical behavior varies more within societies than between them.

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  10. Inferences from the shape of dwellingsWhiting, John W.M. - Settlement Archaeology, 1968 - 5 Hypotheses

    This study examines several correlates of the shape of floor plans of dwellings. Authors find that "whether a culture is settled or nomadic, the form of its family and the presence or absence of status distinctions are related to its house type, and the house types can in turn be inferred from the floor plan." Curvilinear houses are associated with polygyny and nomadism and rectilinear houses are associated with sedentarism, extended families, and status distinctions.

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