Found 426 Documents across 43 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. Population growth, society, and culture: an inventory of cross-culturally tested causal hypothesesSipes, Richard G. - , 1980 - 51 Hypotheses

    This book examines population growth rate and its correlates by testing 274 hypotheses (derived from multiple theories) with an 18-society sample. Forty-one of these hypotheses were significant at the .05 level, leading the author to accept these relationships as reflective of the real world. The 274 hypotheses are grouped into 51 broader hypotheses, and marked by (*) where relationships are significant as designated by the author or by significance p < 0.05.

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  2. Gender inequality in childhood: toward a life course perspectiveBaunach, Dawn Michelle - Gender Issues, 2001 - 12 Hypotheses

    This article builds upon gender inequality theory to examine childhood gender inequality in preindustrial societies. Multivariate and cluster analysis are used.

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  3. A Cross-Cultural Summary: PolygynyTextor, Robert B. - , 1967 - 21 Hypotheses

    Textor summarizes cross-cultural findings on polygyny pertaining to cultural, environmental, psychological, and social phenomena.

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  4. Twin infanticide: a cross-cultural test of a materialistic explanationGranzberg, Gary - Ethos, 1973 - 1 Hypotheses

    This study investigates a material explanation for the practice of twin infanticide. Empirical analysis suggests that twin infanticide is more likely where women lack sufficient facilities to rear two infants while fulfilling her other responsibilities.

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  5. Where do cultures come from?Kanazawa, Satoshi - Cross-Cultural Research, 2006 - 2 Hypotheses

    This article explores how the evolutionary psychological perspective explains cultural universals and variations. This framework is then used to test whether wealth affects parents' preferences of sons or daughters on an individual and national level. Results suggest that wealthier individuals and wealthier nations prefer sons to daughters.

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  6. A Cross-Cultural Summary: PregnancyTextor, Robert B. - A Cross-Cultural Summary, 1967 - 14 Hypotheses

    Textor summarizes cross-cultural findings on pregnancy and childbirth pertaining to cultural, environmental, psychological, and social phenomena.

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  7. A Cross-Cultural Summary: Extramarital SexTextor, Robert B. - , 1967 - 15 Hypotheses

    Textor summarizes cross-cultural findings on extramarital sexual relations pertaining to cultural, environmental, psychological, and social phenomena.

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  8. Comments on Divale and Harris's 'population, warfare, and the male supremacist complex'Kang, Gay Elizabeth - Behavior Science Research, 1979 - 1 Hypotheses

    This article offers a critique of the study by Divale and Harris (1976).

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  9. Systemic population control in the Middle and Upper Paleolithic: inferences based on contemporary hunter-gatherersDivale, William Tulio - World Archaeology, 1972 - 1 Hypotheses

    This article examines cultural forms of population control. Results suggest that female infanticide and warfare are interrelated and effective forms of population control.

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  10. Cultural patterning of sexual beliefs and behaviorMinturn, Leigh - Ethnology, 1969 - 12 Hypotheses

    This paper is concerned with the variation in sexual behavior in humans. Authors test hypotheses regarding the relationships between sexual behaviors and beliefs concerning sex.

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