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  1. An optimal scaling of murdock's theories of illness data--an approach to the problem of interdependenceMoore, Carmella Caracci - Cross-Cultural Research, 1988 - 1 Hypotheses

    This study examines whether theories of illness causation are regionally distributed, as was reported by Murdock (1980). Optimal scaling analysis suggests two regional patterns, one in African and Circum-Mediterranean societies, the other in Eurasian, Insular Pacific, North American, and South American societies.

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  2. A cross-cultural historical analysis of subsistence changeBradley, Candice - American Anthropologist, 1990 - 3 Hypotheses

    This study employs optimal scaling analysis to examine change in subsistence economy in a cross-cultural sample of 73 societies. Findings are discussed in addition to methodological considerations for sampling.

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