Found 4775 Hypotheses across 478 Pages (0 seconds)
  1. Environmental unpredictability will be positively associated with capricious aggression in folktales (475)Cohen, Alex - A cross-cultural study of the effects of environmental unpredictability on a..., 1990 - 2 Variables

    Using a psychoanalytic-materialist approach, the author examines the possible effects of environmental unpredictability on the prevalence of unprovoked aggression by characters in folktales.

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  2. Environmental unpredictability is positively associated with the response of submission/flight to acts of capricious aggression in folkt...Cohen, Alex - A cross-cultural study of the effects of environmental unpredictability on a..., 1990 - 2 Variables

    Using a psychoanalytic-materialist approach, the author examines the possible effects of environmental unpredictability on the prevalence of unprovoked aggression by characters in folktales.

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  3. Increased frequency of drunkenness is associated with societal customs surrounding dependence, thereby (i) negatively associated with in...Bacon, Margaret K. - The dependency-conflict hypothesis and the frequency of drunkenness, 1974 - 5 Variables

    This study is a reexamination of Bacon's (1965) previous cross-cultural study regarding drinking. The current study supports the dependency-conflict hypothesis that frequency of drunkenness is related to dependency needs in childhood and adulthood.

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  4. Controlling for resource risk, population size will predict tool kit complexity (p. S390).Collard, Mark - Population size as an explanation for patterns in the paleolithic archaeolog..., 2013 - 3 Variables

    Previous studies have yielded contradictory results on the relationship between population size and cultural evolution. Focusing on tool complexity these authors introduce the risk of resource failure as a possible confounding variable. They conclude that population does not predict tool kit complexity when controlling on other factors. There were significant correlations between tool kit complexity and some of the resource measures.

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  5. Brides and their parents are expected to have a greater net gain in resources at the time of marriage than grooms and their parents, res...Huber, Brad R. - New cross-cultural perspectives on marriage transactions, 2011 - 1 Variables

    This article refines previous research on marriage transactions and offers descriptions of new types of marriage transactions. First, the authors examine the frequency and distribution of marriage transactions. Second,the authors use a bio-cultural approach to examine how differences in male and female reproductive strategies and the kin selection theory are associated with marriage transactions.

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  6. Brides are expected to have a greater net gain in resources at the time of marriage than the brides' parents, and grooms are expected to...Huber, Brad R. - New cross-cultural perspectives on marriage transactions, 2011 - 1 Variables

    This article refines previous research on marriage transactions and offers descriptions of new types of marriage transactions. First, the authors examine the frequency and distribution of marriage transactions. Second,the authors use a bio-cultural approach to examine how differences in male and female reproductive strategies and the kin selection theory are associated with marriage transactions.

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  7. Polygyny and patrilaterality are predicted to be positively related to the net number of marriage transactions of brides and their paren...Huber, Brad R. - New cross-cultural perspectives on marriage transactions, 2011 - 3 Variables

    This article refines previous research on marriage transactions and offers descriptions of new types of marriage transactions. First, the authors examine the frequency and distribution of marriage transactions. Second,the authors use a bio-cultural approach to examine how differences in male and female reproductive strategies and the kin selection theory are associated with marriage transactions.

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  8. A model including environmental setting and mortality rates will be significant in predicting adult height (p. S360).Migliano, Andrea Bamberg - The effects of mortality, subsistence, and ecology on human adult height and..., 2012 - 4 Variables

    By better understanding the factors influencing adult height in modern populations, the authors hope to generate a testable hypothesis to determine the factors affecting body size during hominin evolution. The authors employ an exploratory linear regression model to test the effects of mortality, environment, and subsistence strategy on adult height among traditional small scale human societies. They found that mortality rates were the most significant predictor of adult height and that people living in savanna environments are consistently taller.

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  9. Infanticide occurs before the birth ceremony is performed (p. 72).Minturn, Leigh - Infanticide as a terminal abortion procedure, 1982 - 1 Variables

    This study investigates the conceptual frameworks involved in infanticide. Authors first examine data on infanticide and birth ceremonies, particularly the timing of these events and the infant and adult involved in each. Authors also examine reasons for performing infanticide, including illegitimacy, unwanted children, and excess children, finding them similar to reasons for performing abortion. Population control and implications for children's and women's status are also discussed.

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  10. Birth ceremonies are more common in societies that customarily practice infanticide than in societies that do not (p. 72-3).Minturn, Leigh - Infanticide as a terminal abortion procedure, 1982 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the conceptual frameworks involved in infanticide. Authors first examine data on infanticide and birth ceremonies, particularly the timing of these events and the infant and adult involved in each. Authors also examine reasons for performing infanticide, including illegitimacy, unwanted children, and excess children, finding them similar to reasons for performing abortion. Population control and implications for children's and women's status are also discussed.

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