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  1. "We expected to find that societies with institutionalized forms of Trance were more likely to be those coded by D'Andrade as having the use of dreams to seek and control supernatural powers than those that do not have institutionalized forms of Trance" (418)Bourguignon, Erika - Dreams and altered states of consciousness in anthropological research, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This chapter reviews various ethnographic and psychological studies of dreaming and hypothesizes about the relationship between institutionalized forms of trance and the use of dreams. Results show that societies with institutionalized forms of trance are more likely to use dreams to seek and control supernatural powers.

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  2. "The further a son moves away from his parents at marriage, the more likely a society is to use dreams to seek and control supernatural powers" (322).D'Andrade, Roy G. - Anthropological studies of dreams, 1961 - 2 Variables

    This article proposes that societal factors that cause anxiety concerning isolation and self-reliance leads to a preoccupation with dreams. Authors test associations between subsistence economy and marital residence and the use of dreams to seek and control supernatural powers.

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  3. Possession-belief-only will be associated with hunting, gathering, and fishing for 46% or more of subsistence; possession-trance belief will be associated with agriculture and/or animal husbandry (43).Bourguignon, Erika - Possession, 1976 - 6 Variables

    This book investigates possession and possession-trance. While the author focuses on a case study of Haiti, there are also a handful of cross cultural tests performed. Results suggest that societal complexity is associated with belief in possession-trance, rather than possession alone.

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  4. A society's reliance on hunting and fishing will be positively associated with the presence of active trance (269).Swanson, Guy E. - Trance and possession: studies of charismatic influence, 1978 - 2 Variables

    This study examines correlates of trance and possession in pre-industrial societies. Results suggest that the presence of trance/possession is associated with subsistence, number of jurisdictional levels, and community decision-making.

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  5. Controlling for sustenance from hunting and fishing, the number of jurisdictional levels will be related to trance (270).Swanson, Guy E. - Trance and possession: studies of charismatic influence, 1978 - 3 Variables

    This study examines correlates of trance and possession in pre-industrial societies. Results suggest that the presence of trance/possession is associated with subsistence, number of jurisdictional levels, and community decision-making.

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  6. Specific patterns of subsistence strategies exist.Ahedo, Virginia - Let's go fishing: A quantitative analysis of subsistence choices with a spec..., 2021 - 5 Variables

    In this study, the authors analyze subsistence economies to better understand their variability and success, the role of the environment in different subsistence choices, and the relevance of fishing, specifically in mixed economies. They find regular subsistence patterns, suggesting that not all subsistence combinations are successful. Their findings also indicate that environment influences subsistence choice, mixed economies are common, and that fishing plays a key role in mixed economies.

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  7. "There is a rough relationship between type of family system and the subsistence pattern ordered according to productivity and stability: independent family most common in hunting and gathering . . . extended family prevaling where fishing, agriculture dominant . . ." (216-217)Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and types of economy, 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article posits that nuclear, independent families are more common under certain economic conditions that affect food supply, demand for family labor, physical mobility, and property system. Empirical analysis suggests that nuclear, independent families are associated with hunting and gathering subsistence type and low social stratification.

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  8. Climate and subsistence type will be associated with the percentage of animal foods in the diet.Pontzer, Herman - Effects of Evolution, Ecology, and Economy on Human Diet: Insights from Hunt..., 2021 - 3 Variables

    This study, primarily a review on the evolution of the human diet, also includes a small study on the distribution of meat-eating and its relationship with climate and cultural factors, namely subsistence type. The authors find that societies with subsistence strategies that prioritize fishing, hunting, or pastoralism also tend to consume more animal products, whereas those that focus on agriculture have more plant-based diets. The authors argue that these small-scale societies have a healthier approach to diet than industrialized societies regardless of their subsistence type or meat consumption.

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  9. Monotheism and distance between married sons and their parents will be directly related on a societal level. "Societies that prescribe that married sons live close to their parents were hypothesized not to evidence monotheism, whereas societies that prescribe that married sons live far from their parents were hypothesized to be monothestic (p.176)."Terry, Roger L. - Dependence nurturance and monotheism: a cross-cultural study, 1971 - 6 Variables

    The main premise of the present study is to investigate the relationship between monotheism and dependence nurturance during early childhood and adulthood. Terry notes the human need to explain and understand the world, and theorizes that this understanding derives from personal experience, learned information, and supernatural explanation. Terry tests the hypothesis that supernatural explanations (monothestic beliefs) will be formulated if individuals cannot depend on their own experiences and/or others to reduce uncertainty (a result of independence training).

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  10. Subsistence economy and type of family will predict status for the elderly (427)Balkwell, Carolyn - Subsistence economy, family structure and the status of the elderly, 1981 - 3 Variables

    This article explores factors affecting the status of the elderly, looking particularly at type of family, economy, and wealth transfer.

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