Found 2286 Hypotheses across 229 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. Controlling for mode of subsistence and male contribution, father-infant proximity (proxy for direct infant care) is negatively correlated with polygyny (p. 52).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  2. Male aggressiveness was the strongest predictor of degree of polygyny, when tested against father-infant proximity, male contribution to subsistence, and male aggressiveness (55).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 4 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  3. Controlling for mode of subsistence and father-infant proximity, male contribution to subsistence is negatively correlated with degree of polygyny (p. 52-3).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  4. Gerontocide will be associated with subsistence type (517).Maxwell, Robert J. - Gerontocide, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines correlates of gerontrocide. Previously suggested predictors, such as nomadism and harsh climate, were not found to be associated with gerontrocide, but data suggested that several other variables such as social stratification, subsistence type, and rule of descent, are significant predictors.

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  5. There will be a negative association between polygyny and demand for male provisioning (3).Hooper, Paul L. - Explaining monogamy and polygyny among foragers and horticulturalists, 2006 - 3 Variables

    This article tests several hypotheses related to the presence or absence of polygyny. Results suggest a negative relationship between polygyny and male provisioning, and positive relationships between polygyny and warfare, interpersonal aggression, and pathogen stress.

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  6. "There is a rough relationship between type of family system and the subsistence pattern ordered according to productivity and stability: independent family most common in hunting and gathering . . . extended family prevaling where fishing, agriculture dominant . . ." (216-217)Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and types of economy, 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article posits that nuclear, independent families are more common under certain economic conditions that affect food supply, demand for family labor, physical mobility, and property system. Empirical analysis suggests that nuclear, independent families are associated with hunting and gathering subsistence type and low social stratification.

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  7. "Reported differences in personality descriptions among mixed farmers and pastoralists may be a result of a constellation of differences linked to the two types of economies" (295).Cone, Cynthia A. - Personality and subsistence: is the child the parent of the person?, 1979 - 7 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between personality traits and subsistence type in mixed farming and pastoralists societies. Findings suggest that differences in child socialization do not significantly predict personality differences in mixed farming and pastoralist societies as much as one would expect. Adult experiences should be considered as better predictors of personality traits.

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  8. Male aggressiveness is negatively correlated with father-infant proximity (55).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  9. Agricultural societies will have higher paternal certainty than hunter-gatherer societies (230).Gaulin, Steven J.C. - Sexual dimorphism in the human post-reproductive life-span: possible causes, 1980 - 2 Variables

    This study tests possible explanations for sexual dimorphism in human post-reproductive life-spans. The author focuses on explanations involving male paternal investment and finds that men in agricultural societies are more likely to invest in their offspring than men in hunter-gatherer societies.

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  10. Male reproductive skew (proxy measure being incidence of paternal half-siblings) will be highest in horticultural societies in comparison to other subsistence modes. (2)Ellsworth, Ryan M. - Comparative study of reproductive skew and pair-bond stability using genealo..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    Authors use genealogical data to investigate pair bond stability and reproductive skew across a sample of 80 small-scale societies. Results suggest that male reproductive skew and pair-bond stability are independent sources of cross-cultural variation in human mating patterns.

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