Found 4433 Hypotheses across 444 Pages (0.059 seconds)
  1. Gerontocide will be associated with irregular food supply (516).Maxwell, Robert J. - Gerontocide, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines correlates of gerontrocide. Previously suggested predictors, such as nomadism and harsh climate, were not found to be associated with gerontrocide, but data suggested that several other variables such as social stratification, subsistence type, and rule of descent, are significant predictors.

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  2. Gerontocide will be associated with nomadism (515).Maxwell, Robert J. - Gerontocide, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines correlates of gerontrocide. Previously suggested predictors, such as nomadism and harsh climate, were not found to be associated with gerontrocide, but data suggested that several other variables such as social stratification, subsistence type, and rule of descent, are significant predictors.

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  3. Gerontocide will be negatively associated with rule of descent (518).Maxwell, Robert J. - Gerontocide, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines correlates of gerontrocide. Previously suggested predictors, such as nomadism and harsh climate, were not found to be associated with gerontrocide, but data suggested that several other variables such as social stratification, subsistence type, and rule of descent, are significant predictors.

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  4. Gerontocide will be associated with harsh clime (515).Maxwell, Robert J. - Gerontocide, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines correlates of gerontrocide. Previously suggested predictors, such as nomadism and harsh climate, were not found to be associated with gerontrocide, but data suggested that several other variables such as social stratification, subsistence type, and rule of descent, are significant predictors.

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  5. Gerontocide will be associated with subsistence type (517).Maxwell, Robert J. - Gerontocide, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines correlates of gerontrocide. Previously suggested predictors, such as nomadism and harsh climate, were not found to be associated with gerontrocide, but data suggested that several other variables such as social stratification, subsistence type, and rule of descent, are significant predictors.

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  6. Gerontocide will be associated with social stratification (517).Maxwell, Robert J. - Gerontocide, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines correlates of gerontrocide. Previously suggested predictors, such as nomadism and harsh climate, were not found to be associated with gerontrocide, but data suggested that several other variables such as social stratification, subsistence type, and rule of descent, are significant predictors.

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  7. Gerontocide will be negatively associated with social rigidity (518).Maxwell, Robert J. - Gerontocide, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines correlates of gerontrocide. Previously suggested predictors, such as nomadism and harsh climate, were not found to be associated with gerontrocide, but data suggested that several other variables such as social stratification, subsistence type, and rule of descent, are significant predictors.

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  8. ". . . the aged among primitive peoples had greater opportunity for securing provisions froma common store in societies where group sharing of food was an established practice irrespective of age considerations than in societies where this was not the case" (32)Simmons, Leo W. - The role of the aged in primitive society, 1945 - 2 Variables

    Explores 109 traits relating primarily to physical habitat, economy, political and social organization, and religion, to see how they relate to the role and treatment of the aged. General patterns were sought. Numerous ethnographic examples are given.

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  9. Aged women have tended to acquire property rights in simple societies and within matrilineal types of family organization. Aged men have tended to gain greatest control of property in more complex societies and within patrilineal family organization (49)Simmons, Leo W. - The role of the aged in primitive society, 1945 - 4 Variables

    Explores 109 traits relating primarily to physical habitat, economy, political and social organization, and religion, to see how they relate to the role and treatment of the aged. General patterns were sought. Numerous ethnographic examples are given.

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  10. Premarital sex norms will be more permissive closer to the equator.Maxwell, Robert J. - Onstage and offstage sex: exploring a hypothesis, 1967 - 2 Variables

    The relationship between restrictions on premarital sex and the privacy of sexual practices is examined, using the degree of impenetrability of house materials as both a proxy and assumed cause for "offstage" or private sex. The author theorizes that permissive premarital sex norms are a response to open dwelling types which are themselves an adaptation to warm temperatures.

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