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  1. "Apology is an important dispute management mechanism in societies…in which hierarchical relationships and a hierarchical ethos take precedence over egalitarian relationships" (285).Hickson, Letitia - The social contexts of apology in dispute settlement: a cross-cultural study, 1986 - 2 Variables

    This study focuses on apology as a mechanism for dispute management in relation to hierarchy and child socialization. Significant associations exist between both large, paramount chiefdoms and apology and between adults as caretakers in early childhood and apology.

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  2. In early childhood principal companions and caretakers are most likely to be the peer group or older children of either gender (170).Weisner, Thomas S. - My brother's keeper: child and sibling caretaking [and comments and reply], 1977 - 1 Variables

    This study discusses childcare done by children. While no empirical hypotheses are tested, the authors identify some potential sociocultural and developmental correlates of childcare by children and provide relevant descriptive statistics. Possible correlates include mother-child relationships, conceptions and emergence of childhood stages, organization of play groups, development of social responsibility, sex differences, personality development, cognitive style and cognitive development, motivation and learning.

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  3. As groups increase in size and hierarchical complexity, individuals in power will exploit their positions to resolve conflicts of interest within the group asymmetrically (210).Betzig, Laura L. - Despotism and differential reproduction: a cross-cultural correlation of con..., 1982 - 3 Variables

    This article uses a Darwinian approach, predicting that hierarchies persist and increase in social evolution because they increase fitness for individuals at higher levels within the hierarchy who choose to further social assymetry and benefit their fitness at the expense of the greater group. Polygyny is used as the indicator of fitness. Correlations tested support the hypothesis.

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  4. "Societies with uxorilocal residence and/or large societies are more likely to have a professional military organization than are small societies with virilocal/patrilocal residence" (278).Carter, Jr., Harold - Military organization as a response to residence and size of population: a c..., 1977 - 3 Variables

    This study tests an adaptational theory of military organization. Test of the relationship between population, residence type and military organization are presented; findings support the hypotheses.

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  5. Shame, upset, anger, and conflict will be positively correlated to loaning/giving water.Wutich, Amber - Water sharing is a distressing form of reciprocity: Shame, upset, anger, and..., 2022 - 5 Variables

    This paper investigates the emotional and social outcomes of water sharing within societies and suggests water sharing is a unique reciprocity act that results in negative emotional outcomes, rather than the usual prestige and rank. A questionnaire regarding water sharing and receiving was carried out across 20 sites, targeting 250 houses per community. The authors found that both water sharing and receiving resulted in more distress and conflict than those who shared less.

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  6. Shame, upset, anger, and conflict will be positively correlated to borrowing/receiving water. Wutich, Amber - Water sharing is a distressing form of reciprocity: Shame, upset, anger, and..., 2022 - 5 Variables

    This paper investigates the emotional and social outcomes of water sharing within societies and suggests water sharing is a unique reciprocity act that results in negative emotional outcomes, rather than the usual prestige and rank. A questionnaire regarding water sharing and receiving was carried out across 20 sites, targeting 250 houses per community. The authors found that both water sharing and receiving resulted in more distress and conflict than those who shared less.

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  7. Households that neither gave or received water in the past 4 weeks have lower odds of reporting shame, upset, anger, or conflict than households that did one or both.Wutich, Amber - Water sharing is a distressing form of reciprocity: Shame, upset, anger, and..., 2022 - 6 Variables

    This paper investigates the emotional and social outcomes of water sharing within societies and suggests water sharing is a unique reciprocity act that results in negative emotional outcomes, rather than the usual prestige and rank. A questionnaire regarding water sharing and receiving was carried out across 20 sites, targeting 250 houses per community. The authors found that both water sharing and receiving resulted in more distress and conflict than those who shared less.

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  8. "Societies with uxorilocal/matrilocal residence are more likely to have a high frequency of external warfare than societies with virilocal/patrilocal residence" (275).Carter, Jr., Harold - Military organization as a response to residence and size of population: a c..., 1977 - 2 Variables

    This study tests an adaptational theory of military organization. Test of the relationship between population, residence type and military organization are presented; findings support the hypotheses.

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  9. "Societies with uxorilocal/matrilocal residence are more likely to have a higher degree of external warfare than societies with virilocal/patrilocal residence" (275).Carter, Jr., Harold - Military organization as a response to residence and size of population: a c..., 1977 - 2 Variables

    This study tests an adaptational theory of military organization. Test of the relationship between population, residence type and military organization are presented; findings support the hypotheses.

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  10. "Societies with uxorilocal/matrilocal residence are more likely to have a professional military organization than societies with virilocal/patrilocal residence" (275).Carter, Jr., Harold - Military organization as a response to residence and size of population: a c..., 1977 - 2 Variables

    This study tests an adaptational theory of military organization. Test of the relationship between population, residence type and military organization are presented; findings support the hypotheses.

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