Found 2697 Hypotheses across 270 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. There will be a positive relationship between female allies and women's resource control, political power, and prevailing attitudes about women's behavior (19).Yanca, Catherine - Female allies and female power a cross-cultural analysis, 2004 - 4 Variables

    This study tests the various ecological and social influences of women's political power and resource control in polygynous societies cross-culturally. Results suggest that women who are closer to their kin and have sisters as cowives are more likely to have resource control and power.

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  2. In polygynous societies, ecological variables will affect women's access to female allies (19).Yanca, Catherine - Female allies and female power a cross-cultural analysis, 2004 - 2 Variables

    This study tests the various ecological and social influences of women's political power and resource control in polygynous societies cross-culturally. Results suggest that women who are closer to their kin and have sisters as cowives are more likely to have resource control and power.

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  3. A high level of female power within a marriage will negatively affect male sexual functioning (229).Gray, J. Patrick - The influence of female power in marriage on sexual behaviors and attitudes:..., 1984 - 2 Variables

    This article re-examines Abernethy's (1974) hypothesis that female power within a marriage negatively affects male sexual functioning. Results do not support this hypothesis.

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  4. "There is a 'functional cluster' of traits associated with monogamy in human societies" (134).Gray, J. Patrick - Correlates of monogamy in human groups: tests of some sociobiological hypotheses, 1984 - 4 Variables

    This study re-examines the hypotheses offered by Kleiman (1977) linking monogamy in humans to monogamy in other animals. Of seven hypotheses, only two were weakly supported when using a cross-cultural analysis.

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  5. In societies where females are more dominant, there will be less restrictive extramarital sex norms (190).Broude, Gwen J. - Extramarital sex norms in cross-cultural perspective, 1980 - 4 Variables

    This study examines the double standard regarding extramarital norms for men and women in relation to other sociocultural factors. Results suggest that a double standard is significantly related to post-partum sex taboos, hypermasculinity, and father absence.

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  6. Women’s access to the shaman role will be positively associated with women’s power in kin networks and negatively associated with control of property (88).Welch, Michael R. - Female exclusion from religious roles: a cross-cultural test of competing ex..., 1982 - 3 Variables

    This article examines three theories regarding the lack of participation by women in community religious roles. Empirical analysis suggests that only resource theory has predictive power. Most clearly it suggests that women are more likely to be shamans in societies in which they are highly influential in kin networks but maintain minimal control of property. Neither gynephobia nor the presence of sex-differentiated social spheres appears associated with the prohibition of women’s participation in religious roles.

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  7. Women's overt political power will be associated with group size, mobility, sex ratio, marriage system, male absence, ability to participate with men, female contribution to subsistence, level of political sovereignty, political organization hierarchy, and geographic region (70).Low, Bobbi S. - Sex, coalitions, and politics in preindustrial societies, 1992 - 10 Variables

    This article investigates possible correlates of women’s overt political power in a cross-cultural sample. Rule of descent—specifically, matrilineal or double descent— is the only factor the author found to be associated with women’s overt political power. Several other factors, including sex ratio, subsistence type, contribution to subsistence, and political system, are not associated. The author also includes a discussion of political activity among chimpanzees, as well as a brief ethnographic summary of several societies in which women have political power.

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  8. "A positive relationship should exist between the level of sexual permissiveness and the distribution of power and resources through the female line" (7)Eckhardt, Kenneth W. - Exchange theory and sexual permissiveness, 1971 - 2 Variables

    "An exchange theory of social behavior is advanced to explain intersocietal differences in sex codes…[Results indicate] modest support for the thesis that the location of power and resources as they influence social interaction and exchange are contributory forces in accounting for the level of sexual permissiveness found in society" (1).

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  9. Women’s contribution to subsistence will be positively associated with polygyny, exogamy, bridewealth, postpartum sex taboo, girls’ socialization for industriousness, positive evaluation of females, and premarital sexual permissiveness (145-7)Schlegel, Alice - The cultural consequences of female contribution to subsistence, 1986 - 9 Variables

    This study relates female contributions to a variety of social variables. The author divides responses to high female contribution to subsistence into two categories: adaptive (i.e. increased exogamy, polygyny, and bridewealth) and attitudinal (i.e. increased valuation of girls and premarital permissiveness). It is proposed that where women contribute more, “they are perceived less as objects for male sexual and reproductive needs and more as a person in their own right” (149).

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  10. In societies where males exhibit greater power and status than females, males will partake in extramarital sexual activities and be in polygynous relationships.Raj, Vrishica - Effects of male power and status on polygyny, extramarital sex, and parental..., 2018 - 3 Variables

    The present research inquires into the effects, if any, that male status and power have on extramarital sex, parental investment, and polygyny. Using sexual selection theory, the hypothesis is that males in higher positions of power and status are more likely to engage in extramarital sexual activities and be in polygynous relationships was supported. There was no support for an association between male extramarital sex and parental investment.

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