Found 2883 Hypotheses across 289 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. Pathic and mentorship societies will be less monogomous than other societies (191).Crapo, Richard H. - Factors in the cross-cultural patterning of male homosexuality: a reappraisa..., 1995 - 2 Variables

    This study argues that different types of homosexuality must be examined separately. Authors focus on mentorship and pathic homosexual behavior and test factors that are associated with these two types of behavior.

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  2. In pathic societies, there will be a negative association between male homosexual marriage partnerships and female contribution to subsistence (189).Crapo, Richard H. - Factors in the cross-cultural patterning of male homosexuality: a reappraisa..., 1995 - 2 Variables

    This study argues that different types of homosexuality must be examined separately. Authors focus on mentorship and pathic homosexual behavior and test factors that are associated with these two types of behavior.

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  3. Mentorship societies will be more likely to have patrilineal descent groups than pathic societies (193).Crapo, Richard H. - Factors in the cross-cultural patterning of male homosexuality: a reappraisa..., 1995 - 2 Variables

    This study argues that different types of homosexuality must be examined separately. Authors focus on mentorship and pathic homosexual behavior and test factors that are associated with these two types of behavior.

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  4. Mentorship societies will be more likely to be patrivirilocal than pathic or other types of societies (196).Crapo, Richard H. - Factors in the cross-cultural patterning of male homosexuality: a reappraisa..., 1995 - 2 Variables

    This study argues that different types of homosexuality must be examined separately. Authors focus on mentorship and pathic homosexual behavior and test factors that are associated with these two types of behavior.

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  5. Mentorship societies will have a higher frequency and more complete form of sexual segregation than pathic societies and other societies (193).Crapo, Richard H. - Factors in the cross-cultural patterning of male homosexuality: a reappraisa..., 1995 - 2 Variables

    This study argues that different types of homosexuality must be examined separately. Authors focus on mentorship and pathic homosexual behavior and test factors that are associated with these two types of behavior.

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  6. Homosexuality will be more prevalent in agropastoral than in hunting & gathering societies (1).Apostolou, Menelaos - Is homosexuality more prevalent in agropastoral than in hunting and gatherin..., 2016 - 2 Variables

    The researcher predicts a positive association between prevalence of homosexuality and agricultural and pastoral subsistence types, reasoning that higher frequency of arranged marriages among agropastoral societies will lessen negative selection pressure on genes which encode for non-exclusive heterosexual orientation. Findings appear to support the prediction.

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  7. There is a negative association bettween the presence of the couvade in a society and the frequency of male homosexual behavior (58).Gray, J. Patrick - Institutionalized male transvestism, the couvade, and homosexual behavior, 1984 - 2 Variables

    This study employs a psychological theory and builds on the holocultural literature on male homosexuality. Two hypotheses relating homosexual behavior among men to social constructs for sexuality (the couvade, male transvestism) are derived from a study by Munroe (1980). The hypotheses are tested and supported in a sample of cultures drawn from Munroe's codes and the Human Relations Area Files.

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  8. Low population density will be associated with high paternal involvementAlcorta, Candace Storey - Paternal behavior and group competition, 1982 - 2 Variables

    The author, Candace Alcorta, theorizes that low population density gives rise to a suite of factors that together are predictive of a society with internally directed population control strategies. In turn, there is an emphasis for a cooperative internal economic system among family, and a higher investment by fathers in their children.

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  9. Island societies will tend to have high paternal involvementAlcorta, Candace Storey - Paternal behavior and group competition, 1982 - 2 Variables

    The author, Candace Alcorta, theorizes that low population density gives rise to a suite of factors that together are predictive of a society with internally directed population control strategies. In turn, there is an emphasis for a cooperative internal economic system among family, and a higher investment by fathers in their children.

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  10. Regions will differ with father involvement (422).Hewlett, Barry S. - Fathers' roles in hunter-gatherer and other small-scale cultures, 2010 - 2 Variables

    This study evaluates recent research on the roles of fathers in child development in hunting-gathering, simple farming, and pastoral communities around the world. The authors review previously conducted studies as well as highlight the varying theoretical approaches that many of these previous studies have taken.

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