Found 4692 Hypotheses across 470 Pages (0.034 seconds)
  1. Variations in climate extremes will be associated with threat of famine and starvation (342).Divale, William Tulio - Climatic instability, food storage, and the development of numerical countin..., 1999 - 3 Variables

    A model for the development of counting systems is tested. The hypothesis presented predicts that unpredictable climate conditions result in inconsistent food supply which leads to the need for food storage and, thus, a system to account for the stored food. Results strongly support this hypothesis.

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  2. Societies that store significant amounts of food will have more elaborate counting systems (343).Divale, William Tulio - Climatic instability, food storage, and the development of numerical countin..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    A model for the development of counting systems is tested. The hypothesis presented predicts that unpredictable climate conditions result in inconsistent food supply which leads to the need for food storage and, thus, a system to account for the stored food. Results strongly support this hypothesis.

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  3. There will be a relationship between latitude and counting systems (343).Divale, William Tulio - Climatic instability, food storage, and the development of numerical countin..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    A model for the development of counting systems is tested. The hypothesis presented predicts that unpredictable climate conditions result in inconsistent food supply which leads to the need for food storage and, thus, a system to account for the stored food. Results strongly support this hypothesis.

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  4. Warfare will be positively associated with female infanticide (527).Divale, William Tulio - Population, warfare, and the male supremacist complex, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This study focuses on the factors associated with the development and persistence of an ideology of male supremacy. Authors identify several realms of culture that show a clear male preference and suggest that warfare is the most significant cause of the male supremacy complex in preindustrial societies. Authors hypothesize that warfare will be positively related to female infanticide. Results support this hypothesis. Another hypothesis relating diet to warfare and infanticide is provided, but not tested.

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  5. Sign language will be found in societies more heavily dependent on hunting for basic subsistence (187).Divale, William Tulio - Hunting and the development of sign language: a cross-cultural test, 1977 - 2 Variables

    The association between hunting and sign language is examined. It is hypothesized that sign language develops as a form of nonverbal communication to aid hunters in the coordinated stalking of game. Ethnographic evidence supports this hypothesis. A second hypothesis is also tested concerning the relationship between population size and non-verbal communication, however sampling procedures provided an inadequate test of this hypothesis.

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  6. Sign language will be found in smaller societies whose member are more likely to sustain frequent contacts with members of neighboring societies (188).Divale, William Tulio - Hunting and the development of sign language: a cross-cultural test, 1977 - 2 Variables

    The association between hunting and sign language is examined. It is hypothesized that sign language develops as a form of nonverbal communication to aid hunters in the coordinated stalking of game. Ethnographic evidence supports this hypothesis. A second hypothesis is also tested concerning the relationship between population size and non-verbal communication, however sampling procedures provided an inadequate test of this hypothesis.

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  7. Foreign intrusions will increase the fequency and severity of famine among indigenous peoples (40).Dirks, Robert - Starvation and famine: cross-cultural codes and some hypothesis tests, 1993 - 3 Variables

    "This article provides a set of codes that rate the starvation and famine experiences of societies in the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. The codes are used to test several theoretical generalizations regarding the underlying causes of famine." Results indicate that seasonal starvation and direct entitlements are the strongest predictors of famine.

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  8. Material complexity will be positively associated with later-stage number terms (23).Overmann, Karenleigh A. - Material scaffolds in numbers and time, 2013 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the relationship between the complexity of a society's material culture and its development of cognitive technologies for numeration and timekeeping. The researcher claims that the resulting positive correlation between these variables as support for a theory of material culture as 'scaffolding' for number concepts, providing tangible, shareable, manipulable forms for abstract numerical constructions.

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  9. Hunters and gatherers will experience less frequent and drastic famine than other subsistence types (38).Dirks, Robert - Starvation and famine: cross-cultural codes and some hypothesis tests, 1993 - 3 Variables

    "This article provides a set of codes that rate the starvation and famine experiences of societies in the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. The codes are used to test several theoretical generalizations regarding the underlying causes of famine." Results indicate that seasonal starvation and direct entitlements are the strongest predictors of famine.

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  10. Presence of hierarchy is positively associated with technology, population density and storage (236).Baker, Matthew - The origins of governments: from anarchy to hierarchy, 2010 - 4 Variables

    This study develops a model of the conditions under which a societies switch from a anarchy to a hierarchy. Empirical results suggest that the presence of police, technological sophistication, population density, and food storage are positively associated with the presence of a territorial hierarchy.

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