Found 4758 Hypotheses across 476 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. Extension of inbreeding rules will be associated with social stratification (116-117, 120).Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen - The evolutionary significance of incest rules, 1990 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates incest rules, proposing that they are instituted by rulers as a way of preventing wealth-concentration among non-ruling families. Three hypotheses are derived and supported with empirical analysis. Two alternative evolutionary hypotheses are discussed and dismissed by the author.

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  2. Rule-makers will be exempt from inbreeding rules (116-117, 122).Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen - The evolutionary significance of incest rules, 1990 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates incest rules, proposing that they are instituted by rulers as a way of preventing wealth-concentration among non-ruling families. Three hypotheses are derived and supported with empirical analysis. Two alternative evolutionary hypotheses are discussed and dismissed by the author.

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  3. Inbreeding will be negatively associated with pathogen risk (125).Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen - The evolutionary significance of incest rules, 1990 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates incest rules, proposing that they are instituted by rulers as a way of preventing wealth-concentration among non-ruling families. Three hypotheses are derived and supported with empirical analysis. Two alternative evolutionary hypotheses are discussed and dismissed by the author.

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  4. Degree of polygyny will be positively related to the severity of punishment for rape (160).Thornhill, Randy - Human rape: an evolutionary analysis, 1983 - 2 Variables

    This article presents tests of hypotheses derived from an evolutionary approach to the rape of women. A cross-cultural test of the relationship between polygyny and rape in non-industrial societies is presented. Results suggest that the degree of polygyny is positively associated with the severity of punishment for rape.

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  5. "[In] societies where there was low constancy of presence of the nurturant agent, there was no separate name for the mother. . . . [Societies] where there was high constancy of presence of the nurturant agent . . . had a separate name for the mother" (112)Zern, David - The relationship between mother/infant contact and later differentiation of ..., 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between mother absence in child rearing and kinship terminology, particularly the differentiation of daughters and nieces. A significant association is found and the author offers theories of causality in both directions.

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  6. "There is a strong tendency . . . for some social objects (nieces and daughters) to be undifferentiated by the culture's language, where child rearing practices typically keep the mother and child in close contact. Conversely, where early separation does occur, greater linguistic discrimination is the rule" (114)Zern, David - The relationship between mother/infant contact and later differentiation of ..., 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between mother absence in child rearing and kinship terminology, particularly the differentiation of daughters and nieces. A significant association is found and the author offers theories of causality in both directions.

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  7. The relationship between precolonial centralization and access to public infrastructure services will be mitigated by the military president's region of origin, and punishment will be more severe in areas that are not favored. (134)Archibong, Belinda - Explaining divergence in the long-term effects of precolonial centralization..., 2019 - 4 Variables

    This study investigates previous findings that indicate precolonial centralization was beneficial for development in Africa. Using new survey data from public primary schools, the author shows that the failure of leaders of centralized regions to comply with federal regimes was punished with underinvestment in public infrastructure services, hindering development and limiting access to these services in recent populations. The author proposes that the extent to which precolonial centralization was beneficial for development in Africa is mediated by compliance of the local governing bodies with federal regimes.

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  8. There will be a positive relationship between punished or non-compliant regions and trust in representatives of local government. (137)Archibong, Belinda - Explaining divergence in the long-term effects of precolonial centralization..., 2019 - 3 Variables

    This study investigates previous findings that indicate precolonial centralization was beneficial for development in Africa. Using new survey data from public primary schools, the author shows that the failure of leaders of centralized regions to comply with federal regimes was punished with underinvestment in public infrastructure services, hindering development and limiting access to these services in recent populations. The author proposes that the extent to which precolonial centralization was beneficial for development in Africa is mediated by compliance of the local governing bodies with federal regimes.

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  9. Precolonial centralization will be correlated with access to locally administered infrastructure services. (137)Archibong, Belinda - Explaining divergence in the long-term effects of precolonial centralization..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates previous findings that indicate precolonial centralization was beneficial for development in Africa. Using new survey data from public primary schools, the author shows that the failure of leaders of centralized regions to comply with federal regimes was punished with underinvestment in public infrastructure services, hindering development and limiting access to these services in recent populations. The author proposes that the extent to which precolonial centralization was beneficial for development in Africa is mediated by compliance of the local governing bodies with federal regimes.

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  10. "Penalties for adultery [are] related [negatively] to . . . trial marriage" (123)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Divorce for childlessness and the regulation of adultery, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study attempts to expand on the list of common customs employed to cope with childlessness in a marriage. Authors specifically examine the relationship between the presence of customs that help cope with childlessness and the severity of punishment for adultery. Results indicate a significant relationship between these two variables.

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