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  1. Societies with a hunting-gathering subsistence base will be patrilocal and patrilineal (185).Martin, M. Kay - Female of the species, 1975 - 9 Variables

    This book discusses the role of women cross-culturally. The authors use a cross-cultural sample to examine the differences between men and women in contribution to subsistence as well as the social juxtaposition of the sexes in foraging, horticultural, agricultural, pastoral, and industrial societies.

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  2. Matrilineal descent in horticultural groups will be negatively associated with severity of female premarital sex restrictions (247).Martin, M. Kay - Female of the species, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This book discusses the role of women cross-culturally. The authors use a cross-cultural sample to examine the differences between men and women in contribution to subsistence as well as the social juxtaposition of the sexes in foraging, horticultural, agricultural, pastoral, and industrial societies.

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  3. Subordination of adolescent boys to their fathers will be more prevalent in patrilocal residence systems (58).Schlegel, Alice - Adolescence: an anthropological inquiry, 1991 - 2 Variables

    This book discusses the characteristics of adolescence cross-culturally and examines the differences in the adolescent experience for males and females. Several relationships are tested in order to gain an understanding of cross-cultural patterns in adolescence.

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  4. Subordination of adolescent girls to their fathers will be more prevalent in patrilocal residence systems (58).Schlegel, Alice - Adolescence: an anthropological inquiry, 1991 - 2 Variables

    This book discusses the characteristics of adolescence cross-culturally and examines the differences in the adolescent experience for males and females. Several relationships are tested in order to gain an understanding of cross-cultural patterns in adolescence.

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  5. "Matrilineal descent is normally linked with matrilocal residence, patrilineal with patrilocal" (59)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  6. As time since migration increases, small-scale societies will move through the following sequence of residence and descent configurations: matrilocal and patrilineal to matrilocal and bilateral to matrilocal and matrilineal to avunculocal and matrilineal to patrilocal and bilateral or patrilineal.Jones, Doug - The Matrilocal Tribe: An Organization of Demic Expansion, 2011 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the author argues that matrilocality is a form of social organization that is conducive to expansion in tribal societies with smaller populations. Because this organization increases internal solidarity and success in external warfare, the theory suggests that it is best suited for expansion on cultural frontiers by groups with small populations. The author supports this theory with empirical tests on 33 societies and case studies of Bantu and Austronesian expansion.

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  7. Exogamous marriage practices will be negatively related to frequency of warfare (62).Kelly, Robert L. - Warless and warlike hunter-gatherers: a comparison, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This book examines the characteristics of warlike and warless foraging societies, as well as the transitional stages that occur when a society becomes warlike. Several predicted correlates of warfare frequency are supported.

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  8. "Matrilineal descent is almost invariably found in association with either avunculocal or matrilocal residence, patrilocal residence accompanies patrilineal, ambilineal and double descent, whereas bilateral descent coexists freely with all except avunculocal rule" (273-274)Murdock, George Peter - Settlement patterns and community organization: cross-cultural codes 3, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates residence, descent rules, and family structure. Empirical analysis suggests that they are associated with settlement patterns, particularly economic and demographic variables.

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  9. Active high gods will be more likely in societies with patrilocal marital residence, patrilineal descent, and transfer of wife to husband’s group after marriage (321). This will be true when individually controlling for society size (jurisdictional hierarchy), stratification, region, and religion.Roes, Frans L. - Permanent group membership, 2014 - 9 Variables

    This article reviews the theory that permanent animal groups have only one sex breed outside the group in order to balance genetic diversity and group relatedness. The author theorises that since males inherit valuable membership in patrilocal/lineal societies, they are expected to be more concerned about the probability of paternity than males in matrilocal/lineal societies. Moral rules, and specifically belief in moralizing gods, are expected to reflect this difference. In other words, moralizing gods are used to restrict the sexual activity of women.

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  10. "[Residence and descent are highly correlated.] Nearly all patrilineal cultures are patrilocal or matri-patrilocal. . . . If matrilineal, societies may be patrilocal or matrilocal, with the latter predominating. . . . If the rule is double descent, the cultures are almost exclusively patrilocal" (24)Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and The social system and the family, 1965 - 2 Variables

    The author uses a world-wide sample of societies to address variation in famiy organization and the economic and social factors to which it relates.

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