Found 4773 Hypotheses across 478 Pages (0.042 seconds)
  1. In societies where males exhibit greater power and status than females, males will partake in extramarital sexual activities and be in polygynous relationships.Raj, Vrishica - Effects of male power and status on polygyny, extramarital sex, and parental..., 2018 - 3 Variables

    The present research inquires into the effects, if any, that male status and power have on extramarital sex, parental investment, and polygyny. Using sexual selection theory, the hypothesis is that males in higher positions of power and status are more likely to engage in extramarital sexual activities and be in polygynous relationships was supported. There was no support for an association between male extramarital sex and parental investment.

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  2. Husband-wife non-sexual intimacy will be associated with the sexual behavior of men and women (177).Broude, Gwen J. - Male-female relationships in cross-cultural perspective: a study of sex and ..., 1983 - 2 Variables

    This study explores the extent to which heterosexual sex, love, and intimacy are interrelated and the degree to which the sexual revolution has had a positive or negative impact on male-female relationships. The author employs a correlation matrix to examine the interrelationships of several variables related to aloofness and intimacy in the sexual and non-sexual aspects of heterosexual relationships. Results suggest that the sexual revolution has had some positive effects on male-female relationships, but also that sexual behavior does not predict the degree to which marriages are intimate or aloof. Results also show little support for the hypothesis that marital aloofness is related to hypermasculinity.

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  3. Husband-wife aloofness will be related to hypermasculinity (177).Broude, Gwen J. - Male-female relationships in cross-cultural perspective: a study of sex and ..., 1983 - 2 Variables

    This study explores the extent to which heterosexual sex, love, and intimacy are interrelated and the degree to which the sexual revolution has had a positive or negative impact on male-female relationships. The author employs a correlation matrix to examine the interrelationships of several variables related to aloofness and intimacy in the sexual and non-sexual aspects of heterosexual relationships. Results suggest that the sexual revolution has had some positive effects on male-female relationships, but also that sexual behavior does not predict the degree to which marriages are intimate or aloof. Results also show little support for the hypothesis that marital aloofness is related to hypermasculinity.

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  4. Increased levels of paternal provisioning were associated with harsher views of male, but not female sexual infidelity .Scelza, B. A. - Patterns of paternal investment predict cross-cultural variation in jealous ..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    In an effort to better understand variation in jealous response cross-culturally, the researchers of this study surveyed 11 different populations, eight of which were small-scale societies on five different continents (Mayangna, Shuar, Tsimane, Himba, Hadza, Karo Batak, Mosuo, and Yasawa) and three of which were in urban settings (Los Angeles, CA, "urban India" (online), and Okinawa, Japan). Looking at the differences between sexual and emotional infidelity, researchers found that greater paternal investment and lower frequency of extramarital sex are associated with more severe jealous response.

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  5. Increased levels of paternal investment and provisioning were associated with harsher views of male, but not female emotional infidelity .Scelza, B. A. - Patterns of paternal investment predict cross-cultural variation in jealous ..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    In an effort to better understand variation in jealous response cross-culturally, the researchers of this study surveyed 11 different populations, eight of which were small-scale societies on five different continents (Mayangna, Shuar, Tsimane, Himba, Hadza, Karo Batak, Mosuo, and Yasawa) and three of which were in urban settings (Los Angeles, CA, "urban India" (online), and Okinawa, Japan). Looking at the differences between sexual and emotional infidelity, researchers found that greater paternal investment and lower frequency of extramarital sex are associated with more severe jealous response.

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  6. Controlling for mode of subsistence and male contribution, father-infant proximity (proxy for direct infant care) is negatively correlated with polygyny (p. 52).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  7. Male aggressiveness was the strongest predictor of degree of polygyny, when tested against father-infant proximity, male contribution to subsistence, and male aggressiveness (55).Marlowe, Frank W. - Paternal investment and the human mating system, 2000 - 4 Variables

    This article explores the interrelated roles of male parental investment (males' infant/child care and resource provisioning) and male-male competition (variation in male status) on the degree of monogamy or polygyny in a society. Marlowe argues that Degree of parental investment affects females' interest in resource-shopping versus gene-shopping. Also discussed is the idea that male-male competition affects males' inclination toward harem-defense or coercive polygyny. Particular attention is paid to variation in parental investment and male stratification across subsistence types.

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  8. Male and female premarital sex will be associated with individual choice of marriage partners as well as lower divorce rates (177).Broude, Gwen J. - Male-female relationships in cross-cultural perspective: a study of sex and ..., 1983 - 3 Variables

    This study explores the extent to which heterosexual sex, love, and intimacy are interrelated and the degree to which the sexual revolution has had a positive or negative impact on male-female relationships. The author employs a correlation matrix to examine the interrelationships of several variables related to aloofness and intimacy in the sexual and non-sexual aspects of heterosexual relationships. Results suggest that the sexual revolution has had some positive effects on male-female relationships, but also that sexual behavior does not predict the degree to which marriages are intimate or aloof. Results also show little support for the hypothesis that marital aloofness is related to hypermasculinity.

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  9. More father-infant sleeping distance will predict higher mating effort outside of the pair bond with both parents and offspring (108).Ember, Carol R. - War and socialization of children: comparing two evolutionary models, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This article presents two evolutionary models that may explain relationships between war and socialization of children: the "environmentally contingent reproductive strategy" (ECRS) model put forward by Draper and Harpending (1982), and a model put forward by Carol and Melvin Ember. Results do not provide support for the hypotheses involving father-infant sleeping proximity derived from the ECRS model. The authors also find some inconsistencies with their own model.

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  10. Parental involvement will be negatively correlated with acceptance of extramarital sex (p. 169).Quinlan, Robert J. - Parenting and cultures of risk: a comparative analysis of infidelity, aggres..., 2007 - 4 Variables

    This study tests a broad "risk response" hypothesis: environmental risk can reduce parents' involvement and care which, through its effects on children's behavioral strategies later in life, ultimately produces a larger cultural model favoring risky behavior. Examinations of extramarital sex, aggression, theft, and witchcraft support this hypothesis, leading the authors to suggest that child development is the underpinning of cultural adaptation in the face of environmental change.

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