Found 3575 Hypotheses across 358 Pages (0.04 seconds)
  1. ". . . greater privacy would be associated with great [avoidance of] coresident mother-in-law . . ." (278)Cozby, Paul C. - Privacy, love and in-law avoidance, 1971 - 2 Variables

    Authors explore the relationship between privacy among newlywed couples and romantic love as a basis for marriage. Authors also consider the relationship between newlywed privacy and kin avoidence. Both associations are found to be statistically significant.

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  2. Romantic love is positively associated with allowance of premarital sex (270).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  3. Romantic love is positively associated with extramarital sex allowance (270).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  4. "Freedom of choice of spouse is associated with greater male-female contact. . . . Freedom of choice is also associated with greater romantic love as a basis of marriage . . ." (689)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Courtship patterns associated with freedom of choice of spouse, 1972 - 3 Variables

    This article investigates several correlates of freedom of choice of spouse, including general male-female contact and antagonism in premarital male-female interaction. Particular attention is paid to dances in the role of making contact with a spouse.

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  5. Romantic love is positively associated with extramarital sex allowance for women (271).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  6. Romantic love is negatively associated with extramarital sex prohibition for women (272).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  7. Romantic love is negatively associated with extramarital sex prohibition for both men and women (272).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  8. Societies in which premarital sex and/or adultery are permitted for both genders will be positively associated with romantic love as a basis for marriage (268).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 3 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  9. "Romantic love would be a stronger factor in societies with non neolocal residence [as opposed to those with neolocal residence or neolocal residence as a significant alternative]" (476)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Marital residence and the functions of romantic love, 1967 - 2 Variables

    This article explores the relationship between marital residence and romantic love; results suggest that romantic love is most important in societies with non-neolocal marital residence. The author explores potential functions of romantic love, including bolstering against the divisive pressure of relatives, or to substitute for economic interdependence between spouses.

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  10. "Importance of romantic love as a basis for marriage was rather strongly related to . . . later severity of [oral] socialization" (338)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - A cross cultural study of child rearing and romantic love, 1966 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between satisfaction of early oral and dependence needs and concern with affection in adulthood. Data showed significant support for an association between the satisfaction of early oral needs (but not the satisfaction of dependence needs) and concern for affection in adulthood.

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