Found 3710 Hypotheses across 371 Pages (0.049 seconds)
  1. ". . . residential propinquity influences a society's kin avoidance. . . . [There is an] association between mother-in-law/son-in-law avoidance and [their] degree of community coresidence" (243, 247)Witkowski, Stanley - A cross-cultural test of the proximity hypothesis, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This paper tests the proximity hypothesis (used by Murdock [1949]) which posits that residential propinquity will be associated with parent-in-law avoidance and kin terminology. Several operational hypotheses are tested but none are supported. The author suggests that this finding may cast doubt other hypotheses that underlie Murdock’s findings, such as the participation hypothesis.

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  2. ". . . residential propinquity influences a society's kin avoidance. . . . [There is an] association between father-in-law/daughter-in-law avoidance and [their] degree of community coresidence" (243, 248)Witkowski, Stanley - A cross-cultural test of the proximity hypothesis, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This paper tests the proximity hypothesis (used by Murdock [1949]) which posits that residential propinquity will be associated with parent-in-law avoidance and kin terminology. Several operational hypotheses are tested but none are supported. The author suggests that this finding may cast doubt other hypotheses that underlie Murdock’s findings, such as the participation hypothesis.

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  3. Father-in-law/daughter-in-law avoidance should be more likely to occur where there is household co-residence (243, 250)Witkowski, Stanley - A cross-cultural test of the proximity hypothesis, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This paper tests the proximity hypothesis (used by Murdock [1949]) which posits that residential propinquity will be associated with parent-in-law avoidance and kin terminology. Several operational hypotheses are tested but none are supported. The author suggests that this finding may cast doubt other hypotheses that underlie Murdock’s findings, such as the participation hypothesis.

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  4. "The residential proximity hypothesis suggests that institutionalized avoidance practices should be more likely to occur when the avoiding parties are living in the same household than when they are just living in the same community." [Mother-in-law/son-in-law avoidance increases with the degree of household co-residence] (249)Witkowski, Stanley - A cross-cultural test of the proximity hypothesis, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This paper tests the proximity hypothesis (used by Murdock [1949]) which posits that residential propinquity will be associated with parent-in-law avoidance and kin terminology. Several operational hypotheses are tested but none are supported. The author suggests that this finding may cast doubt other hypotheses that underlie Murdock’s findings, such as the participation hypothesis.

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  5. "Matrilineal descent is almost invariably found in association with either avunculocal or matrilocal residence, patrilocal residence accompanies patrilineal, ambilineal and double descent, whereas bilateral descent coexists freely with all except avunculocal rule" (273-274)Murdock, George Peter - Settlement patterns and community organization: cross-cultural codes 3, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates residence, descent rules, and family structure. Empirical analysis suggests that they are associated with settlement patterns, particularly economic and demographic variables.

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  6. "In the presence of patrilocal, matri-patrilocal, matrilocal, or avunculocal residence, separate terms tend to be applied to relatives of the same generation who are linked to ego through connecting relatives of different sex" (148)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  7. "Teknonymy [is] in close connection with the custom of the husband's residence in the wife's family [and is] still more closely attached to the practice of ceremonial avoidance by the husband of the wife's family" (4)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 3 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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  8. In societies with mother-child households the father's relationship to the child is more remote than in societies with other household types. However, mother-child households are concentrated in Negro-Africa and in Negro tribes in the Cirum-Mediterranean (276-278)Murdock, George Peter - Settlement patterns and community organization: cross-cultural codes 3, 1972 - 3 Variables

    This article investigates residence, descent rules, and family structure. Empirical analysis suggests that they are associated with settlement patterns, particularly economic and demographic variables.

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  9. "Where . . . cross cousins of the opposite sex . . . are potential spouses, the behavior patterns exhibited . . . are predominantly those of joking or license, but where marriage [between] them is prohibited the patterns are similar to . . . those prevailing between brother and sister" (368)Murdock, George Peter - Cross-sex patterns of kin behavior, 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study re-examines patterns of cross-sex kin relationships using new ethnographic data. The author looks specifically at cross-sex kin relationship in relation to marriage rules.

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  10. "A relation appears between . . . avoidance customs . . . and . . . residence after marriage" (2)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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