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  1. "The level of both effort and shape complexity [in dance movement] shows sharp increase among complex producers" (246).Lomax, Alan - Dance style and culture, 1968 - 3 Variables

    This chapter suggests that dance styles reflect cultural traits. The authors hypothesize that certain aspects of cultural complexity predict several types of dance movement. Hypotheses are supported.

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  2. "Males in narcissistic societies would show a generalized fear of women and would . . . marry late" (254)Slater, Philip E. - Maternal ambivalence and narcissism: a cross-cultural study, 1965 - 2 Variables

    This article explores narcissism and child-rearing. The author presents a theory that, if a society’s structural pattern weakens the marital bond, the mother will be ambivalent toward the son who consequently will become narcissistic. This process would reinforce itself as it is repeated by each generation.

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  3. "Game producers, irrigationists, and nomadic pastoralists seldom sing cohesively. Some incipient producers, collectors, and plow agriculturalists employ good blend some of the time. The gardeners . . . usually sing cohesively" (176)Lomax, Alan - Folk song style and culture, 1968 - 3 Variables

    A large-scale comparative study of folk songs around the world employing systematic measures (cantometrics). The aim was not just to describe variation but to test hypotheses about the relationships between song style and societal structures. Dance was also considered.

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  4. "Transition types [of dance movement] seem to bear a positive relationship to the scale of productive complexity. One plane simple reversal falls off sharply in complex cultures. Both curve and loop are tied to increased productive range" (242).Lomax, Alan - Dance style and culture, 1968 - 4 Variables

    This chapter suggests that dance styles reflect cultural traits. The authors hypothesize that certain aspects of cultural complexity predict several types of dance movement. Hypotheses are supported.

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  5. "Human societies have evolved . . . in much the same direction . . . toward increased complexity. . . . [There is] a specific sequence in the development of culture traits which societies, by and large, have consistently followed" (854, 858)Carneiro, Robert L. - Scale analysis, evolutionary sequences, and the rating of cultures, 1970 - 12 Variables

    Carneiro presents work on the evolutionary sequences of cultures. He concludes that human societies have evolved in a direction towards increased complexity. He also discovers a specific sequence of cultural traits that societies have largely followed.

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  6. "There is a negative correlation between male narcissism and nurturant indulgence or gratification of infants" (255)Slater, Philip E. - Maternal ambivalence and narcissism: a cross-cultural study, 1965 - 4 Variables

    This article explores narcissism and child-rearing. The author presents a theory that, if a society’s structural pattern weakens the marital bond, the mother will be ambivalent toward the son who consequently will become narcissistic. This process would reinforce itself as it is repeated by each generation.

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  7. "There is a positive correlation between male narcissism on the one hand, and pressure for the child to achieve, anxiety over failure to achieve and frequency of achievement behavior on the other" (255)Slater, Philip E. - Maternal ambivalence and narcissism: a cross-cultural study, 1965 - 4 Variables

    This article explores narcissism and child-rearing. The author presents a theory that, if a society’s structural pattern weakens the marital bond, the mother will be ambivalent toward the son who consequently will become narcissistic. This process would reinforce itself as it is repeated by each generation.

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  8. "Increasing complexity tends to normalize voice qualities. . . . Nasalized tone and narrow . . . tone . . . [have a strong] negative relationship to good vocal blend" (193)Lomax, Alan - Folk song style and culture, 1968 - 2 Variables

    A large-scale comparative study of folk songs around the world employing systematic measures (cantometrics). The aim was not just to describe variation but to test hypotheses about the relationships between song style and societal structures. Dance was also considered.

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  9. "A . . . strong relationship exists between the percentage of stable [work] teams found in a culture and the incidence of cohesive vocalizing per culture" (183)Lomax, Alan - Folk song style and culture, 1968 - 2 Variables

    A large-scale comparative study of folk songs around the world employing systematic measures (cantometrics). The aim was not just to describe variation but to test hypotheses about the relationships between song style and societal structures. Dance was also considered.

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  10. ". . . lineage nomenclature is correlated with . . . ancestor cults" (50)Dole, Gertrude E. - The lineage pattern of kinship nomenclature: its significance and development, 1965 - 2 Variables

    This paper investigates correlations between social structure and the pattern of kindship nomenclature. Results suggest that lineage nomenclatures are associated with several aspects of social structure, including unilineal descent, the domestication of plants and animals and inheritance.

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