Found 1806 Hypotheses across 181 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. Sexual restrictions on unmarried girls predict nasal and narrow singing.Erickson, Edwin E. - Tradition and evolution in song style: a reanalysis of cantometric data, 1976 - 2 Variables

    The author reanalyzes hypotheses proposed by Lomax et al. (1968) that are based on Lomax's collection of cantometric data. Considering historical/regional variables, the author suggests that difusion and common history better explain certain musical features such as wordiness than functional and evolutionary processes. However, other Lomax findings are supported involving interlocked, contrapuntal singing and narrow nasal-voiced singing.

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  2. Disease prevalence will be negatively associated with an unrestricted sociosexual style (214).Schaller, Mark - Pathogens, personality, and culture: disease prevalence predicts worldwide v..., 2008 - 2 Variables

    The authors test the relationship between disease prevalence and three different personality traits, with the expectation that pathogen load will be negatively associated with degree of sociosexuality, extraversion, and openness to experience. This prediction is supported by all three tests, which they theorize is an example of cultural behaviors adapting to reduce vulnerability to environmental risks.

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  3. Siestas are more likely to be present in cultures whose members suffer from impaired health, either from disease or malnutrition (239).Barone, T. Lynne - Is the siesta an adaption to disease? A cross-cultural examination, 2000 - 5 Variables

    This study examines the variability of siestas across cultures and considers how factors including climate, subsistence type, and disease susceptability relate to the presence or absence of siestas. The author finds a significant relationship between siestas and the presence of malaria.

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  4. Inbreeding will be negatively associated with pathogen risk (125).Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen - The evolutionary significance of incest rules, 1990 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates incest rules, proposing that they are instituted by rulers as a way of preventing wealth-concentration among non-ruling families. Three hypotheses are derived and supported with empirical analysis. Two alternative evolutionary hypotheses are discussed and dismissed by the author.

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  5. Ratings of the importance of attractiveness as a criterion of mate choice will be related to pathogen prevalence across cultures (90).Gangestad, Steven W. - Pathogen prevalence and human mate preferences, 1993 - 5 Variables

    This study focuses on the relationship between pathogen prevalence and mate selection. Results show that increased pathogen prevalence is significantly associated with an increased importance in the physical attractiveness of potential mates.

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  6. There will be less permission for extramarital sex relations in societies where the post-partum sex taboo lasts less than one month (393, 301).Textor, Robert B. - A Cross-Cultural Summary: Extramarital Sex, 1967 - 2 Variables

    Textor summarizes cross-cultural findings on extramarital sexual relations pertaining to cultural, environmental, psychological, and social phenomena.

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  7. The more sexual restrictiveness, the less humor about sex (155).Alford, Finnegan - A holo-cultural study of humor, 1981 - 0 Variables

    This article presents a variety of findings regarding the nature and characteristics of humor and humorists, cross-culturally. It is a thorough preliminary study on the topic with a review of other work on humor and and outline of areas to be addressed by future research.

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  8. "There is a positive correlation between maternal sexual deprivation and male narcissism" (255)Slater, Philip E. - Maternal ambivalence and narcissism: a cross-cultural study, 1965 - 2 Variables

    This article explores narcissism and child-rearing. The author presents a theory that, if a society’s structural pattern weakens the marital bond, the mother will be ambivalent toward the son who consequently will become narcissistic. This process would reinforce itself as it is repeated by each generation.

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  9. The patterning of sexual beliefs and practices is examined.Broude, Gwen J. - Cross-cultural patterning of some sexual attitudes and practices, 1976 - 1 Variables

    This study examines the proposition that the cross-cultural patterning of sexual beliefs and behaviors is neither entirely regular nor entirely irregular. The author uses cluster analysis to observe the relationships between several variables associated with sexuality.

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  10. There will be a higher degree of sexual dimprphism in societies where there is a higher degree of division of labor by sex (576).Wolfe, Linda D. - Subsistence practices and human sexual dimorphism of stature, 1982 - 2 Variables

    This study tests the validity of two previous diachronic studies examining the relationship between subsistence strategy and sexual dimorphism of stature with synchronic data. The authors find that neither hypothesis is valid.

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