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  1. Femme fatales will be more prevalent in folktales in egalitarian societies than in stratified societies (62)Jankowiak, William - Femme fatale and status fatale: a cross-cultural perspective, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This study documents the phenomenon of the 'femme fatale' (a dangerous woman) and 'status fatale' (a dangerous man) cross-culturally. The 'femme fatale' motif is practically universal. Data supports the idea that emotional involvement, rather than sexual gratification, was the primary motivation for seeking out a stranger of the opposite sex. A literature review is provided.

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  2. Status fatales will be more prevalent in folktales in stratified societies than in egalitarian societies (62)Jankowiak, William - Femme fatale and status fatale: a cross-cultural perspective, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This study documents the phenomenon of the 'femme fatale' (a dangerous woman) and 'status fatale' (a dangerous man) cross-culturally. The 'femme fatale' motif is practically universal. Data supports the idea that emotional involvement, rather than sexual gratification, was the primary motivation for seeking out a stranger of the opposite sex. A literature review is provided.

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  3. “[P]opulations in colder or more unstable climates are more likely to store food and thus to count to higher numbers” (71).McCall, Lauren W. - Cultural adaptations after progressionism, 2009 - 2 Variables

    This article challenges ideas of cultural progressionism through an analysis of counting systems. Cultural adaptation in both biotic and abiotic environments is examined, and results suggest that culture adapts to both the human-made environment and the physical environment. The author asserts that “interpreting divergent and convergent behaviors as due to differences and similarities of local environments” is superior to a progressionist approach to cultural change (62).

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  4. Being brave will be considered morally good instead of bad and observed across cultures.Curry, Oliver Scott - Is It Good to Cooperate? Testing the Theory of Morality-as-Cooperation in 60..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    The present study examines 60 societies from the Probability Sample Files to see if there is a cross-cultural moral valence of seven cooperative behaviors. These behaviors include: being brave, deferring to superiors, dividing disputed resources, helping kin, helping your group, reciprocating, and respecting prior possessions. The results offer support for the theory of morality-as-cooperation that these seven behaviors tend to be widely held morals across cultures.

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  5. Intimate partner violence, and the acceptance of it, will be correlated with women working outside the home.Alesina, Alberto - Violence Against Women: A Cross-cultural Analysis for Africa, 2021 - 2 Variables

    The authors of this study investigate both intimate partner violence (IPV) in Africa and tolerance towards it. Merging Demographic and Health Survey data with information from the Ethnographic Atlas, they take into account a wide range of ancestral characteristics that could influence domestic violence today, including precolonial economic roles and marriage traditions. Their findings indicate that societies in which men were dominant in subsistence and/or had androcentric marital practices have more IPV today, and more acceptance of it. They also find an interesting gender gap in acceptance of IPV, in which women are more likely than men to justify domestic violence.

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  6. Female aggression which is initiated by adult females and directed against other adults in a domestic context is examined (73)Burbank, Victoria K. - Female aggression in cross-cultural perspective, 1987 - 3 Variables

    Female aggression, reasons and targets of that aggression are described using a cross-cultural sample. It is suggested that female aggression is often a means of competing for men or subsistence products, but it also may be a means of defense.

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  7. Ancestral economic production and living arrangements will be correlated with levels of and attitudes towards intimate partner violence today.Alesina, Alberto - Violence Against Women: A Cross-cultural Analysis for Africa, 2021 - 3 Variables

    The authors of this study investigate both intimate partner violence (IPV) in Africa and tolerance towards it. Merging Demographic and Health Survey data with information from the Ethnographic Atlas, they take into account a wide range of ancestral characteristics that could influence domestic violence today, including precolonial economic roles and marriage traditions. Their findings indicate that societies in which men were dominant in subsistence and/or had androcentric marital practices have more IPV today, and more acceptance of it. They also find an interesting gender gap in acceptance of IPV, in which women are more likely than men to justify domestic violence.

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  8. The association between a woman working outside the home and exposure to intimate partner violence will differ depending on how economically active women were in the ancestral society.Alesina, Alberto - Violence Against Women: A Cross-cultural Analysis for Africa, 2021 - 4 Variables

    The authors of this study investigate both intimate partner violence (IPV) in Africa and tolerance towards it. Merging Demographic and Health Survey data with information from the Ethnographic Atlas, they take into account a wide range of ancestral characteristics that could influence domestic violence today, including precolonial economic roles and marriage traditions. Their findings indicate that societies in which men were dominant in subsistence and/or had androcentric marital practices have more IPV today, and more acceptance of it. They also find an interesting gender gap in acceptance of IPV, in which women are more likely than men to justify domestic violence.

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  9. "Reasoning based on the frustration-aggression hypothesis would lead one to expect a positive relationship between social anxiety scores and aggression index scores" (64)Palmer, Stuart - Aggression in fifty-eight non-literate societies: an exploratory analysis, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Building on previous research concerning murder and suicide, this study investigates 18 forms of aggression and explores how they might be engendered by certain child-training practices. Results show a weak connection between most forms of aggression and child-training practices, but non-literate societies do show a positive correlation between murder and suicide. The author develops a theory positing that experience of social blockage will be related to outwardly-directed aggression, whereas social loss will be related to inwardly-directed aggression.

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  10. "In . . . non-literate societies . . . when some forms of aggression, outward or inward-directed, occur frequently so also do other forms" (63)Palmer, Stuart - Aggression in fifty-eight non-literate societies: an exploratory analysis, 1970 - 3 Variables

    Building on previous research concerning murder and suicide, this study investigates 18 forms of aggression and explores how they might be engendered by certain child-training practices. Results show a weak connection between most forms of aggression and child-training practices, but non-literate societies do show a positive correlation between murder and suicide. The author develops a theory positing that experience of social blockage will be related to outwardly-directed aggression, whereas social loss will be related to inwardly-directed aggression.

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