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  1. Feuding will be positively associated with frequency of rape (430).Otterbein, Keith F. - A cross-cultural study of rape, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This study examines two theories concerning the prevalence of rape: deterrence theory and fraternal interest group theory. Results indicate that both punishment and fraternal interest groups influence the frequency of rape, though neither variable is a necessary cause. The effects of marital residence and polygyny are also considered.

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  2. Fraternal interest groups will be positively associated with frequency of rape (429).Otterbein, Keith F. - A cross-cultural study of rape, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This study examines two theories concerning the prevalence of rape: deterrence theory and fraternal interest group theory. Results indicate that both punishment and fraternal interest groups influence the frequency of rape, though neither variable is a necessary cause. The effects of marital residence and polygyny are also considered.

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  3. Greater punishment of rape will be negatively associated with the frequency of rape (432).Otterbein, Keith F. - A cross-cultural study of rape, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This study examines two theories concerning the prevalence of rape: deterrence theory and fraternal interest group theory. Results indicate that both punishment and fraternal interest groups influence the frequency of rape, though neither variable is a necessary cause. The effects of marital residence and polygyny are also considered.

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  4. Of 7 measured inducements to attend final ceremonies, only 2 are associated with attendance: holding ceremonies for more than one death at a time and sex liberties at final ceremonies. Both correlations are based on a small number of cases (95)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective, 1976 - 7 Variables

    This book investigates individual and group responses to death and the problems that death can create in a society. Several hypotheses regarding grief and mourning, as well as their variation with other societal variables, are supported with cross-cultural tests.

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  5. There are sex differences for emotion expressed by bereaved persons. Women cry significantly more frequently and average a higher frequency of self mutilation during bereavement than do men. But men were judged to have a significantly higher frequency of anger and aggression during bereavement than women (145, 146)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective, 1976 - 4 Variables

    This book investigates individual and group responses to death and the problems that death can create in a society. Several hypotheses regarding grief and mourning, as well as their variation with other societal variables, are supported with cross-cultural tests.

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  6. Final ceremonies are more likely to occur with longer duration of mourning (94)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This book investigates individual and group responses to death and the problems that death can create in a society. Several hypotheses regarding grief and mourning, as well as their variation with other societal variables, are supported with cross-cultural tests.

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  7. "The more important the ritual specialists up to and including initial body disposal, the less the expression of anger and aggression [by the bereaved] during mourning" (39)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This book investigates individual and group responses to death and the problems that death can create in a society. Several hypotheses regarding grief and mourning, as well as their variation with other societal variables, are supported with cross-cultural tests.

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  8. "Where ghost fear is present, remarriage rates are great and the levirate and sororate are more likely to be present" (79)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective, 1976 - 3 Variables

    This book investigates individual and group responses to death and the problems that death can create in a society. Several hypotheses regarding grief and mourning, as well as their variation with other societal variables, are supported with cross-cultural tests.

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  9. "In societies with final funeral ceremonies, grief after the end of mourning is less likely to occur, the heavier the attendance at the final ceremony" (94)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This book investigates individual and group responses to death and the problems that death can create in a society. Several hypotheses regarding grief and mourning, as well as their variation with other societal variables, are supported with cross-cultural tests.

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  10. "Where final ceremonies [for deceased] were present prolonged grief was less likely to be present or frequent; where final ceremonies were absent prolonged grief was more likely to be present and frequent" (93)Rosenblatt, Paul C. - Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This book investigates individual and group responses to death and the problems that death can create in a society. Several hypotheses regarding grief and mourning, as well as their variation with other societal variables, are supported with cross-cultural tests.

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