Found 1888 Hypotheses across 189 Pages (0.044 seconds)
  1. "Hostile capture [of women] . . . exists equally through the three stages of society, from maternal to paternal. . . . Connubial and formal capture belong only to the intermediate stage where paternal institutions are arising and to the later stage where they are established" (13, 14)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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  2. "A relation appears between . . . avoidance customs . . . and . . . residence after marriage" (2)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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  3. "The two institutions, exogamy and classificatory relationships are really connected. . . . [There is a] close causal connexion subsisting between the two institutions" (16, 18)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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  4. Father-salience in infancy will be positively associated with the couvade (731).Munroe, Robert L. - A response to broude on the couvade, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates determinants of the couvade; the authors reexamine some of their earlier findings and also consider Broude’s (1988) response to their previous studies. Exclusive mother-infant sleeping arrangements, matrilocal residence, and “protest masculinity” (a concept suggested by Broude) were all found to be associated with the couvade. Father-salience in infancy, also suggested by Broude, was only marginally associated.

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  5. "Teknonymy [is] in close connection with the custom of the husband's residence in the wife's family [and is] still more closely attached to the practice of ceremonial avoidance by the husband of the wife's family" (4)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 3 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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  6. "Broadly, if we omit the intermixed cases, we see that the maternal principle [residence and descent] predominates among the hunting peoples, the paternal in the pastoral stage, while among agricultural peoples the two are neatly balanced" (153)Hobhouse, L. T. - The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an ess..., 1915 - 2 Variables

    An early cross-cultural study that sought to establish correlations between "stages" of economic culture and a variety of different social and political institutions, such as form of government and justice, marriage and kinship, and behaviors during warfare.

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  7. Man's preference to invest in his sisters' children rather than his wives' is positively associated with low paternal confidence (302).Gaulin, Steven J.C. - Paternal confidence and paternal investment: a cross cultural test of a soci..., 1980 - 2 Variables

    Using paternal investment theory, the authors examine the relationship between paternal confidence and paternal investment in humans.

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  8. There will be a correlation between father absence in infancy and the couvade (904).Broude, Gwen J. - Rethinking the couvade: cross-cultural evidence, 1988 - 2 Variables

    This article examines several possible correlates of the couvade. Results suggest that father presence, rather than the expected father absence, is significantly associated with the couvade.

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  9. There will be a relationship between protest masculinity and the couvade (907).Broude, Gwen J. - Rethinking the couvade: cross-cultural evidence, 1988 - 2 Variables

    This article examines several possible correlates of the couvade. Results suggest that father presence, rather than the expected father absence, is significantly associated with the couvade.

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  10. "As the political complexity of a society as a whole increases, so does the number of political offices within its constituent communities" (43)Befu, Harumi - Political complexity and village community: test of an hypothesis, 1966 - 2 Variables

    This article examines how an increase in overall societal complexity affects local political offices. Findings suggest that a more complex society has a slight tendency to develop more political offices within the community, but there is greater support for an increased number of jurisdictional levels within the community.

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