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  1. "Son-to-father and wife-to-husband deference are positively correlated" (325)Stephens, William N. - The family in cross-cultural perspective, 1963 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive cross-cultural survey of family customs described by anthropologists. It asks about the range and frequency of variation, how the customs compare with American families, and the associations between traits. The author includes many qualitative descriptions in describing variation.

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  2. "Kingdoms do seem to be relatively strict in the area of obedience demands" (371)Stephens, William N. - The family in cross-cultural perspective, 1963 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive cross-cultural survey of family customs described by anthropologists. It asks about the range and frequency of variation, how the customs compare with American families, and the associations between traits. The author includes many qualitative descriptions in describing variation.

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  3. ". . . in the avunculate . . . the relation between maternal uncle and nephew is to the relation between brother and sister as the relation between father and son is to that between husband and wife". [Attitudes are either free and familiar or hostile and reserved] (99, 100)Ryder, James W. - The avunculate: a cross-cultural critique of Claude Levi-Strauss, 1970 - 5 Variables

    The authors test Levi-Strauss' theory of the avunculate, a special relationship between a mother's brother and his sister's son. They critique the theory on the grounds that many societies have a special relationship that could be called the avunculate but lack the other relationships predicted by Levi-Strauss.

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  4. "A breakdown of the instrumental role into provision [economic support] and socialization functions [in matrilineal cases shows that] . . . the husband-father [not the mother's brother] is generally held responsible for the support of his own wife and children" (330)Zelditch, Morris - Role differentiation in the nuclear family: a comparative study, 1955 - 2 Variables

    In a volume devoted to the understanding of the American family, the author, using data from 56 societies, tests a couple of hypotheses about role differentiation in the nuclear family.

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  5. "[There is] a decided though imperfect tendency for marriage to be either arranged or by parents' consent when either unilineal kin groups or frequent extended-family households are present" (198)Stephens, William N. - The family in cross-cultural perspective, 1963 - 3 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive cross-cultural survey of family customs described by anthropologists. It asks about the range and frequency of variation, how the customs compare with American families, and the associations between traits. The author includes many qualitative descriptions in describing variation.

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  6. Husband-wife aloofness will be related to hypermasculinity (177).Broude, Gwen J. - Male-female relationships in cross-cultural perspective: a study of sex and ..., 1983 - 2 Variables

    This study explores the extent to which heterosexual sex, love, and intimacy are interrelated and the degree to which the sexual revolution has had a positive or negative impact on male-female relationships. The author employs a correlation matrix to examine the interrelationships of several variables related to aloofness and intimacy in the sexual and non-sexual aspects of heterosexual relationships. Results suggest that the sexual revolution has had some positive effects on male-female relationships, but also that sexual behavior does not predict the degree to which marriages are intimate or aloof. Results also show little support for the hypothesis that marital aloofness is related to hypermasculinity.

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  7. "With regard to the relationship between a woman and her husband's father, the matrilineal systems show the greatest degree of informality (and least avoidance), while patrilineal are the least informal" (193)Goody, Jack - Cross-sex patterns of kin behavior: a comment, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the behavior between close kin and affines of the opposite sex. The authors "point to certain differences between continental areas that are related to specific social factors, including the structure of descent groups and the nature of marriage arrangements."

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  8. "[There is] no association between wife beating [,] . . . another index of the relation between husband and wife [,] . . . and rooming arrangements. It is associated rather with independent versus extended households. Wife beating tends not to occur in . . . [extended] households" (190)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 3 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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  9. With marriage of the father's sister's daughter, father-to-son nepotism will also entail mother's brother (husband's father) to sister's daughter (son's wife) nepotism (240).Flinn, Mark V. - Resource distribution, social competition, and mating patterns in human soci..., 1986 - 2 Variables

    This study examines cross-cousin marriage preferences from an evolutionary perspective. Results suggest significant associations between cross-cousin marriage preferences and both polygyny and residence.

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  10. "I predicted that [father expecting to be the main disciplinarian] would be correlated positively with extensiveness of menstrual taboos" (108)Stephens, William N. - The oedipus complex: cross-cultural evidence, 1962 - 2 Variables

    The author attempts to test the "Oedipus-complex" hypothesis--the psychoanalytic idea that under certain conditions (such as the long-post partum sex taboo) males are sexually attracted to their mothers and as a consequence certain fears and anxiety are generaated. The hypothesis is tested at the societal-level using ethnographic data.

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