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  1. "Nearly all the cases with extreme son-to-father and wife-to-husband deference represent groups and communities which are, or were until recently, parts of kingdoms" (333)Stephens, William N. - The family in cross-cultural perspective, 1963 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive cross-cultural survey of family customs described by anthropologists. It asks about the range and frequency of variation, how the customs compare with American families, and the associations between traits. The author includes many qualitative descriptions in describing variation.

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  2. "Son-to-father and wife-to-husband deference are positively correlated" (325)Stephens, William N. - The family in cross-cultural perspective, 1963 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive cross-cultural survey of family customs described by anthropologists. It asks about the range and frequency of variation, how the customs compare with American families, and the associations between traits. The author includes many qualitative descriptions in describing variation.

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  3. "[There is] a decided though imperfect tendency for marriage to be either arranged or by parents' consent when either unilineal kin groups or frequent extended-family households are present" (198)Stephens, William N. - The family in cross-cultural perspective, 1963 - 3 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive cross-cultural survey of family customs described by anthropologists. It asks about the range and frequency of variation, how the customs compare with American families, and the associations between traits. The author includes many qualitative descriptions in describing variation.

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  4. "I predicted . . . [the severity of the father's own obedience demands] would be correlated positively with extensiveness of menstrual taboos" (108)Stephens, William N. - The oedipus complex: cross-cultural evidence, 1962 - 2 Variables

    The author attempts to test the "Oedipus-complex" hypothesis--the psychoanalytic idea that under certain conditions (such as the long-post partum sex taboo) males are sexually attracted to their mothers and as a consequence certain fears and anxiety are generaated. The hypothesis is tested at the societal-level using ethnographic data.

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  5. "Extensiveness of menstrual taboo observed in a primitive society is determined to a significant extent by the average intensity of castration anxiety felt by men [as measured by child rearing practices]"Stephens, William N. - A cross cultural study of menstrual taboos, 1967 - 6 Variables

    This study tests the relationship between menstrual taboos and castration anxiety. The author posits that the extensiveness of menstrual taboos is determined by the average castration anxiety. Using various measures of castration anxiety, the author finds significant support for this hypothesis.

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  6. Concentration of political power will be associated with socioeconomic complexity, socialization for obedience versus self-reliance, imposed social control, and father’s role in childrearing (235).Ross, Marc Howard - Socioeconomic complexity, socialization, and political differentiation: a cr..., 1981 - 5 Variables

    This article examines structural and dispositional explanations for complexity of political institutions. Analysis suggests that both socioeconomic organization and socialization variables are useful in understanding the concentration, specialization, and centralization of political power, but socioeconomic organization variables have stronger associations.

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  7. Political specialization will be associated with socioeconomic complexity, socialization for obedience versus self-reliance, imposed social control, and father’s role in childrearing (235).Ross, Marc Howard - Socioeconomic complexity, socialization, and political differentiation: a cr..., 1981 - 5 Variables

    This article examines structural and dispositional explanations for complexity of political institutions. Analysis suggests that both socioeconomic organization and socialization variables are useful in understanding the concentration, specialization, and centralization of political power, but socioeconomic organization variables have stronger associations.

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  8. "There is some tendency for the long post partum sex taboo societies to be high on severity of sex training" (77)Stephens, William N. - The oedipus complex: cross-cultural evidence, 1962 - 2 Variables

    The author attempts to test the "Oedipus-complex" hypothesis--the psychoanalytic idea that under certain conditions (such as the long-post partum sex taboo) males are sexually attracted to their mothers and as a consequence certain fears and anxiety are generaated. The hypothesis is tested at the societal-level using ethnographic data.

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  9. "A positive correlation was . . . predicted [between] severity of sex training . . . [and] extensiveness of menstrual taboos" (102)Stephens, William N. - The oedipus complex: cross-cultural evidence, 1962 - 2 Variables

    The author attempts to test the "Oedipus-complex" hypothesis--the psychoanalytic idea that under certain conditions (such as the long-post partum sex taboo) males are sexually attracted to their mothers and as a consequence certain fears and anxiety are generaated. The hypothesis is tested at the societal-level using ethnographic data.

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  10. "I predicted a positive correlation between general pressure for obedience and extensiveness of menstrual taboos" (108)Stephens, William N. - The oedipus complex: cross-cultural evidence, 1962 - 2 Variables

    The author attempts to test the "Oedipus-complex" hypothesis--the psychoanalytic idea that under certain conditions (such as the long-post partum sex taboo) males are sexually attracted to their mothers and as a consequence certain fears and anxiety are generaated. The hypothesis is tested at the societal-level using ethnographic data.

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