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  1. "There was also a relationship between geographical location and the number of games of physical skill in a society. . . . Tribes living within 20 degrees latitude of the equator [tend to have] fewer than 5 games of physical skill" (604)Roberts, John M. - Games in culture, 1959 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationships between game types (physical, strategy, and chance) and social, religious, and geographic variables. Hypotheses are supported.

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  2. Games of physical skill will be positively associated with unilineal kinship structure and/or negatively associated with sorcery (114, 118).Worchel, Stephen - Societal restrictiveness and the presence of outlets for the release of aggr..., 1974 - 3 Variables

    The article investigates whether more socially restrictive societies provide more outlets for aggression. These authors operationalized restrictiveness with the presence of sorcery and unilineal kinship structure; the two outlets for aggression examined were occurrence of warfare and games of physical skill. Results suggest an association between these variables, though unilineal kinship structure was the better predictor of the existence of warfare.

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  3. "Games of chance occur where . . . outcome . . . in the life situation [is] uncertain, not easily controlled by either physical skill or strategy in areas of environmental setting, food production, social and political interaction, marriage, war and religion" (143)Roberts, John M. - Cross-cultural correlates of games of chance, 1966 - 6 Variables

    Authors investigate the cross-cultural correlates of games of chance. They advance a "conflict-enculturation" model to explain why individuals choose to engage in games of chance in particular (as opposed to games of strategy or physical skill). They suggest that games of chance are linked to cultures with antecedent conflict and/or feelings of powerlessness in the presence of uncertainty; both are psychological stressors whose effects may be assuaged by play with uncertainty models in the form of games of chance.

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  4. ". . . the game-type combination scale is positively associated with . . . indicators of cultural complexity . . ." (7)Roberts, John M. - Inculcated traits and game-type combinations: a cross-cultural view, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This study relates the type of games present in a society to the level of cultural complexity. Authors use a "game-type combination scale" that categorizes societies as having: 1) games of physical skill only; 2) games of physical skill and games of chance; and 3) games of physical skill, games of chance, and games of strategy. Results show a relationship between the game-type combination scale and indicators of cultural complexity.

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  5. "Games of chance occur in the presence of antecedent conflict, particularly in the areas of sex, aggression, achievement, and possibly responsibility" (143)Roberts, John M. - Cross-cultural correlates of games of chance, 1966 - 5 Variables

    Authors investigate the cross-cultural correlates of games of chance. They advance a "conflict-enculturation" model to explain why individuals choose to engage in games of chance in particular (as opposed to games of strategy or physical skill). They suggest that games of chance are linked to cultures with antecedent conflict and/or feelings of powerlessness in the presence of uncertainty; both are psychological stressors whose effects may be assuaged by play with uncertainty models in the form of games of chance.

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  6. "Games of chance will occur in societies [where the gods are regarded as] high in benevolence, low in aggression [and can be] coerced" (602)Roberts, John M. - Games in culture, 1959 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationships between game types (physical, strategy, and chance) and social, religious, and geographic variables. Hypotheses are supported.

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  7. "Societies possessing games of strategy tend to have folk tales in which the outcome is determined or partly determined by strategy" (193)Roberts, John M. - Strategy in games and folk tales, 1963 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the strategic mode of competition in both games of strategy and folk talkes. Various significant relationships between games of strategy, folktales, social complexity, and child rearing variables are observed.

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  8. Games of chance will be related to games of physical skill (195-196).Chick, Garry - Games in culture revisited: a replication and extension of roberts, arth, an..., 1998 - 2 Variables

    This study replicates the study of games conducted by Roberts, Arth and Bush (1959) using new data. Findings support the results of the original study, suggesting that games of strategy are related to social complexity and games of chance are related to games of physical skill.

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  9. "[There is a] relationship between games of strategy and social complexity . . ." (601)Roberts, John M. - Games in culture, 1959 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationships between game types (physical, strategy, and chance) and social, religious, and geographic variables. Hypotheses are supported.

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  10. "Games of physical skill [physical skill only or physical skill and strategy jointly] . . . show significant relationships with reward for achievement . . ." (174)Roberts, John M. - Child training and game involvement, 1962 - 2 Variables

    This study builds on a previous study of games by Roberts, Arth and Bush (1959) and offers a conflict interpretation of game involvement. Several significant relationships are observed between game type and child training variables.

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