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  1. "Production determined . . . organizations have marked tendencies toward rationality even . . . in the absence of any technological necessity for them to be so . . ." (55)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  2. "Social development . . . results independently in decreased rationality for production determined and political forms and increased rationality for familial and contractual forms" (56)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 3 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  3. "Both the ascriptive group employee type and the mutual association form of contractual work organization do enjoy some advantages of efficiency over both reciprocity and political labor" (71)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  4. "Production determined organizations tend to be temporary, and socially determined organizations tend to be permanent" (36)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  5. "Each successive stage . . . [of contractual organization] . . . represents a progressive disengagement from the social setting, and consequently leads to a more rational, and hence more efficient, mode of work organization . . ." (76)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 2 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  6. "Contractual organizations tend to be autonomous, specific, and permanent" (61)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Organization of work: a comparative analysis of production among nonindustr..., 1959 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comparative study of the ways in which work is organized among non-industrial societies in the production of material goods. Two general hypotheses guide the author's work: (1) The structure of any work organization is influenced by both techonological processes and social setting, and (2) The structure of any reward system is influenced by the characteristics of the work organization, the social setting, and the limits imposed by features of the technological processes. Several predictions are presented and all are supported.

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  7. "Custodial organization is more likely to occur in more than one type of process in the same society than is contractual organization" (69)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Organization of work: a comparative analysis of production among nonindustr..., 1959 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comparative study of the ways in which work is organized among non-industrial societies in the production of material goods. Two general hypotheses guide the author's work: (1) The structure of any work organization is influenced by both techonological processes and social setting, and (2) The structure of any reward system is influenced by the characteristics of the work organization, the social setting, and the limits imposed by features of the technological processes. Several predictions are presented and all are supported.

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  8. Production determined organizations possess the exact number of authority levels required by the technology. Socially determined organizations possess more levels of authority than technologically necessary, and hence are inefficient (49)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Work in traditional and modern society, 1970 - 4 Variables

    Udy divides methods of work organization into 'production determined', 'technologically determined', 'socially determined', and 'pluralistic' types, and examines their prevalence across societies with varying subsistence activities and levels of social and political stratification. Special attention is paid to processes of integration and differentiation and their role in effecting transitions between organization types.

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  9. "Voluntary organizations and organizations with basic or auxiliary contractual elements tend to possess balanced compensatory reward systems" (102)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Organization of work: a comparative analysis of production among nonindustr..., 1959 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comparative study of the ways in which work is organized among non-industrial societies in the production of material goods. Two general hypotheses guide the author's work: (1) The structure of any work organization is influenced by both techonological processes and social setting, and (2) The structure of any reward system is influenced by the characteristics of the work organization, the social setting, and the limits imposed by features of the technological processes. Several predictions are presented and all are supported.

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  10. "Familial and custodial organizations tend to involve managerial or separated proprietorship; contractual and voluntary organizations, corporate proprietorship" (62)Udy, Stanley H., Jr. - Organization of work: a comparative analysis of production among nonindustr..., 1959 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comparative study of the ways in which work is organized among non-industrial societies in the production of material goods. Two general hypotheses guide the author's work: (1) The structure of any work organization is influenced by both techonological processes and social setting, and (2) The structure of any reward system is influenced by the characteristics of the work organization, the social setting, and the limits imposed by features of the technological processes. Several predictions are presented and all are supported.

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