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  1. ". . . matrilineal extension [of incest taboos] is strongly associated with the presence of matrilineal kin groups, patrilineal extension with patrilineal kin groups, and extension in both directions with the presence of double descent" (307)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  2. "Bilateral kindreds tend to be associated with kinship terminology of the generation type" (158)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  3. ". . . marriage and extramarital relations with affinal relatives [in the same consanguineal group as Ego] are . . . prohibited" (310)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 3 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  4. "[There is a] tendency of incest taboos to be associated with those relatives who are called mother, sister, or daughter" (288)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  5. "In the presence of exogamous matrilineal or patrilineal lineages, sibs, phratries, or moieties, separate kinship terms tend to be applied to comparable relatives of the same generation who are linked to ego by connecting relatives of different sex" (163)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  6. "In the presence of exogamous matrilineal or patrilineal lineages, sibs, phratries, or moieties, terms for lineal relatives tend to be extended, within the same sex and generation, to collateral kinsmen who would be affiliated with them under either unilineal rule of descent" (162)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  7. ". . . any relative called by a kinship term that is also applied to a kinsman who is genealogically closer to Ego, and with whom marriage or sex relations are forbidden, tends to be placed in a similar taboo category" (311)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  8. "In the presence of bilinear kin groups, kinship terms tend to be extended to all relatives who belong to the same section or subsection" (170)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  9. "In the absence of clans and of polygamous and extended families, the isolated nuclear family tend to be associated with kinship terminology of the lineal type" (157)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  10. "In the presence of exogamous matri-lineages, matri-sibs, or matri-moieties, unless exogamous patrilineal kin groups are also present, kinship terms for FaSi tend to extended to FaSiDa, and those for BrDa to MoBroDa" (166)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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