Found 2526 Hypotheses across 253 Pages (0.041 seconds)
  1. "Human societies which provide their infants and children with a great deal of physical affection (touching, holding, carrying) would be less physically violent than societies which give very little physical affection to their infants and children" (11-12)Prescott, James W. - Body pleasure and the origins of violence, 1975 - 2 Variables

    The author hypothesizes that physical violence is strongly related to the deprivation of physical pleasure. The author tests this hypothesis by looking at the relationship between physical affection towards infants, as well as attitudes towards premarital sex, and several variables related to violence. Results support the hypothesis.

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  2. In societies where premarital sex is strongly punished, community size is larger, slavery is present, societal complexity is high, personl crime is high, class stratification is high, incidence of theft is high, extramarital sex is punished, wives are purchased, castration anxiety is high, bellicosity is extreme, sex disability is high, killing, torturing and mutilating the enemy is high, narcissism is high, exhibitionistic dancing is emphasized, there are small extended families, longer postpartum sex taboos, and a high god in human morality (14)Prescott, James W. - Body pleasure and the origins of violence, 1975 - 17 Variables

    The author hypothesizes that physical violence is strongly related to the deprivation of physical pleasure. The author tests this hypothesis by looking at the relationship between physical affection towards infants, as well as attitudes towards premarital sex, and several variables related to violence. Results support the hypothesis.

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  3. Male circumcision becomes more likely when mothers and babies share beds and when fathers sleep in separate huts/villages. Societies with both traits, one trait, and neither trait will be most, less, and least likely to have circumcision, respectively (281-2).Kitahara, Michio - Social contact versus bodily contact: a qualitative difference between fathe..., 1978 - 2 Variables

    This article draws on psychoanalytic theory and a previous study by Whiting (1964) to test the relationship between parent-child sleeping arrangements, particularly the implied social distance of fathers, and the presence of circumcision for males. Circumcision is assumed to be a social correction for mother-oriented personality in sons.

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  4. Men and women in egalitarian societies will be more likely to use self-help tactics in response to infidelity than men and women in stratified societies (9).Jankowiak, William - Extra-marital affairs: a reconsideration of the meaning and universality of ..., 2002 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the variation in responses to sexual infidelity and the effect of social complexity and descent on responses to infidelity. Results suggest significant relationships between social complexity, descent, and responses to infidelity

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  5. A high level of female power within a marriage will negatively affect male sexual functioning (229).Gray, J. Patrick - The influence of female power in marriage on sexual behaviors and attitudes:..., 1984 - 2 Variables

    This article re-examines Abernethy's (1974) hypothesis that female power within a marriage negatively affects male sexual functioning. Results do not support this hypothesis.

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  6. "[Societies] with a high male loss in warfare are significantly more likely to have an imbalanced sex ratio in favor of females than . . . [societies] with a low or zero male loss in warfare" (201-202)Ember, Melvin - Warfare, sex ratio and polygyny, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper suggests that polygyny may be best explained by uneven sex ratios, particularly an excess of women while men are engaged in warfare. The author also considers Whiting’s 1964 theory that used post-partum sex taboos to explain polygyny. These two theories are tested cross-culturally and results suggest that polygyny is a response to an unbalanced sex ratio in favor of women.

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  7. "In the presence of a short [postpartum sex] taboo, which is the more crucial control situation, . . . [there is a strong] correlation between high male mortality and polygyny" (202)Ember, Melvin - Warfare, sex ratio and polygyny, 1974 - 3 Variables

    This paper suggests that polygyny may be best explained by uneven sex ratios, particularly an excess of women while men are engaged in warfare. The author also considers Whiting’s 1964 theory that used post-partum sex taboos to explain polygyny. These two theories are tested cross-culturally and results suggest that polygyny is a response to an unbalanced sex ratio in favor of women.

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  8. Societies in which mother and son sleep in the same bed and the father sleeps in another hut/village will be more likely to have male circumcision than societies in which the father sleeps in the same hut (280).Kitahara, Michio - Social contact versus bodily contact: a qualitative difference between fathe..., 1978 - 2 Variables

    This article draws on psychoanalytic theory and a previous study by Whiting (1964) to test the relationship between parent-child sleeping arrangements, particularly the implied social distance of fathers, and the presence of circumcision for males. Circumcision is assumed to be a social correction for mother-oriented personality in sons.

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  9. Societies in which the mother and son sleep in the same bed and the father sleeps separately in the same hut will be more likely to have male circumcision; societies in which the mother and son sleep separately but in the same hut with the father will be less likely to have male circumsion (279).Kitahara, Michio - Social contact versus bodily contact: a qualitative difference between fathe..., 1978 - 2 Variables

    This article draws on psychoanalytic theory and a previous study by Whiting (1964) to test the relationship between parent-child sleeping arrangements, particularly the implied social distance of fathers, and the presence of circumcision for males. Circumcision is assumed to be a social correction for mother-oriented personality in sons.

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  10. "There is no significant association between a long postpartum taboo and polygyny in either the high or low male mortality situation . . . when we control for male mortality in warfare" (202)Ember, Melvin - Warfare, sex ratio and polygyny, 1974 - 3 Variables

    This paper suggests that polygyny may be best explained by uneven sex ratios, particularly an excess of women while men are engaged in warfare. The author also considers Whiting’s 1964 theory that used post-partum sex taboos to explain polygyny. These two theories are tested cross-culturally and results suggest that polygyny is a response to an unbalanced sex ratio in favor of women.

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