Found 2289 Hypotheses across 229 Pages (0.01 seconds)
  1. "[There is] no association between wife beating [,] . . . another index of the relation between husband and wife [,] . . . and rooming arrangements. It is associated rather with independent versus extended households. Wife beating tends not to occur in . . . [extended] households" (190)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 3 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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  2. ". . . husbands and wives should room together in . . . agricultural societies [with] complex [stratification] that have developed a constabulary and/or professional army as an alternative means of protecting property. . . . Rooming apart is most likely to occur in . . . societies at the middle level of development" (196)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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  3. ". . .in a significant number of societies men and women who room together eat together. . . . Fathers [tend to] have a close relationship with their infants . . . [and in societies where husband and wife sleep together] . . . the husband is [generally] permitted to be present . . . when his wife is giving birth . . ."Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 4 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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  4. "We propose that husbands and wives will room apart in those societies where warriors are needed to protect property [i.e. more commonly among farmers and herdsmen than among hunters, gatherers and fishermen] and that rooming apart has the psychological effect of producing hyperaggressive males" (192, 194)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 3 Variables

    This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.

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  5. Socialization for aggression will predict low husband-wife intimacy (322)de Munck, Victor C. - Wife-husband intimacy and female status in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 5 Variables

    This article examines predictors of intimacy between husbands and wives. Emphasis is on equality of spouses. A causal model is presented.

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  6. Family size negatively predicts husband-wife intimacy (331)de Munck, Victor C. - Wife-husband intimacy and female status in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This article examines predictors of intimacy between husbands and wives. Emphasis is on equality of spouses. A causal model is presented.

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  7. Polygyny will be positively associated with low husband-wife intimacy (322)de Munck, Victor C. - Wife-husband intimacy and female status in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 4 Variables

    This article examines predictors of intimacy between husbands and wives. Emphasis is on equality of spouses. A causal model is presented.

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  8. Circumcision occurs frequently in tropical climates. Author shows exclusive mother-infant sleeping arrangements occur in warm climates, while previous studies report a strong association between exclusive mother-infant sleeping arrangements and male circumcision (515)Whiting, John W.M. - Effects of climate on certain cultural practices, 1964 - 2 Variables

    This study explores ecological reasons that might explain why boys are mostly circumcised in tropical regions, particularly in Africa and the insular Pacific. The author postulates a long causal chain linking: 1) tropical climate to the growing of root and fruit crops; 2) the need to keep babies on mother's milk for as long as possible where the adult diet is lacking in protein; 3) a long post-partum sex taboo as a way to space births; 4) the practice of polygyny (and associated mother-child sleeping) in the face of a long sex taboo; 5) patrilocal residence; and 6) male initiation ceremonies which are believed to result from the combination of mother-child sleeping, the long poast-partum sex taboo and patrilocal residence.

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  9. Husband-wife aloofness will be related to hypermasculinity (177).Broude, Gwen J. - Male-female relationships in cross-cultural perspective: a study of sex and ..., 1983 - 2 Variables

    This study explores the extent to which heterosexual sex, love, and intimacy are interrelated and the degree to which the sexual revolution has had a positive or negative impact on male-female relationships. The author employs a correlation matrix to examine the interrelationships of several variables related to aloofness and intimacy in the sexual and non-sexual aspects of heterosexual relationships. Results suggest that the sexual revolution has had some positive effects on male-female relationships, but also that sexual behavior does not predict the degree to which marriages are intimate or aloof. Results also show little support for the hypothesis that marital aloofness is related to hypermasculinity.

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  10. Equality of spouses should be positively associated with husband-wife intimacy (308).de Munck, Victor C. - Wife-husband intimacy and female status in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This article examines predictors of intimacy between husbands and wives. Emphasis is on equality of spouses. A causal model is presented.

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