Found 3379 Hypotheses across 338 Pages (0.005 seconds)
  1. Male participation in war will be positively associated with male glorification relative to females (42, 49).Hoy, Andrew R. - The relationship between male dominance and militarism: quantitative tests o..., 1994 - 3 Variables

    Theories about the relationship between warfare, militarism, male dominance and authoritarianism are tested.

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  2. Male absence due to war will be related to higher political participation for women (42, 50).Hoy, Andrew R. - The relationship between male dominance and militarism: quantitative tests o..., 1994 - 3 Variables

    Theories about the relationship between warfare, militarism, male dominance and authoritarianism are tested.

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  3. Male participation in war will be negatively associated with violence against women in the same society (42, 50).Hoy, Andrew R. - The relationship between male dominance and militarism: quantitative tests o..., 1994 - 2 Variables

    Theories about the relationship between warfare, militarism, male dominance and authoritarianism are tested.

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  4. Manifestations of authoritarian values will be positively associated with both militarism and male dominance over women (41-42, 48-49).Hoy, Andrew R. - The relationship between male dominance and militarism: quantitative tests o..., 1994 - 3 Variables

    Theories about the relationship between warfare, militarism, male dominance and authoritarianism are tested.

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  5. Honor culture is positively associated with intergroup conflicts.Nawata, Kengo - A glorious warrior in war: Cross-cultural evidence of honor culture, social ..., 2019 - 8 Variables

    Research sampled 143 societies from the Standard Cross Cultural Sample to test the relationship between honor culture, social rewards for warriors, and intergroup conflicts. Using mediation analysis based on multiple regression, and structural equation modeling, the research supported the theory that honor culture was positively associated with intergroup conflict, and that this relationship was mediated by social rewards for warriors.

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  6. Frequency of warfare will be negatively associated with a high male-to-female sex ratio. (2)Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 2 Variables

    This paper presents empirical tests of two theories put forth to explain violence toward women. The first predicts that warfare promotes socialization for aggression and legitimizes violence toward women, while the second predicts that violence works as a way to control potential for female infidelity. An association is found between high male-to-female sex ratio and violence towards women, suggesting support for the second theory over the first, which is consistent with more narrowly-focused studies by Avakame (1999), Bose et al. (2013), and D'Alessio & Stolzenberg (2010).

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  7. Social rewards for warriors mediated the positive association between honor culture and intergroup conflicts.Nawata, Kengo - A glorious warrior in war: Cross-cultural evidence of honor culture, social ..., 2019 - 12 Variables

    Research sampled 143 societies from the Standard Cross Cultural Sample to test the relationship between honor culture, social rewards for warriors, and intergroup conflicts. Using mediation analysis based on multiple regression, and structural equation modeling, the research supported the theory that honor culture was positively associated with intergroup conflict, and that this relationship was mediated by social rewards for warriors.

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  8. "African cultures were positively related to military glory [militarism] and war preparations, while East Eurasian cultues were negatively related to warfare and sadism" (57).Eckhardt, William - Primitive militarism, 1975 - 5 Variables

    The reasons "primitive" peoples engaged in warfare are discussed. In order to resolve any inconsistencies in previous studies of warfare, this article looks closely at Textor's (1967) warfare variables and their correlations with other variables included in Textor's (1967) anthropological summary.

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  9. Post-1500 ethnic groups residing in land with high-productive variation will have less inter-ethnic conflict.Dickens, Andrew - Understanding ethnolinguistic differences: The roles of geography and trade, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the relationship of productive variation in land between ethnic groups to determine if an increased range of producible goods will increase trade, thus decreasing language diversity between neighboring groups. The author initially found that high-variation in land production lessened the diversity of language between ethnic groups in that area. To further test this correlation, the author found that high-productive variation increased trade and exogamous marriage and decreased inter-ethnic conflict. Based on these findings, the author suggests that neighboring ethnic languages co-evolved through the economic benefit of inter-ethnic trade and social interaction.

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  10. Societies will be more likely to have more male sports than female sports (280).Deaner, Robert. O - Sex differences in sports across 50 societies, 2013 - 2 Variables

    This article examines sex differences in sports and games of strategy and chance. Results indicated large differences in participation by gender, especially for combat and hunting sports and in patriarchal societies. The possible cross-cultural universality of this trend is discussed.

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