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  1. Societies that engage in elaborate marriage ceremonies will tend to haveess instances of divorce (171)Kitahara, Michio - A function of marriage ceremony, 1974 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this paper is to examine marriage ceremony by generalizing an assumption underlying certain studies of puberty rites. It is hypothesized that when marriage ceremonies are viewed as a rite of passage they will be demonstrative of the changes the self experiences after marriage.

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  2. Exogamous societies will tend to have elaborate marriage ceremonies (170).Kitahara, Michio - A function of marriage ceremony, 1974 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this paper is to examine marriage ceremony by generalizing an assumption underlying certain studies of puberty rites. It is hypothesized that when marriage ceremonies are viewed as a rite of passage they will be demonstrative of the changes the self experiences after marriage.

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  3. Unilineal societies will be positively associated with elaborate marriage ceremonies (171)Kitahara, Michio - A function of marriage ceremony, 1974 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this paper is to examine marriage ceremony by generalizing an assumption underlying certain studies of puberty rites. It is hypothesized that when marriage ceremonies are viewed as a rite of passage they will be demonstrative of the changes the self experiences after marriage.

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  4. The negative association between marriage transactions and permissiveness toward female premarital sex will be more likely in societies in which adolescence ends early (117).Schlegel, Alice - Adolescence: an anthropological inquiry, 1991 - 3 Variables

    This book discusses the characteristics of adolescence cross-culturally and examines the differences in the adolescent experience for males and females. Several relationships are tested in order to gain an understanding of cross-cultural patterns in adolescence.

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  5. "The segregation of males at puberty is more closely correlated to the polygynous societies in which each co-wife lives with her children in a separate quarter than to a long postpartum sexual taboo" (7).Kitahara, Michio - Significance of the father for the son's masculine identity, 1975 - 3 Variables

    The significance of the son's insufficient contact with his father during infancy in regard to circumcision and segregation is examined. This article suggests that it is not the long postpartum sexual taboo but the separation of each co-wife that is instrumental in bringing about circumcision and segregation. Expands on Kitahara 1974.

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  6. "In polygynous societies, if each co-wife lives in a separate quarter with her children, and if there is a long post-partum sexual taboo, males are most likely to be circumcised and/or segregated at puberty, compared with societies [which lack one or the other of these factors]" (406).Kitahara, Michio - Living quarter arrangements in polygyny and circumcision and segregation of ..., 1974 - 3 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between polygynous living quarter arrangements and the presence or absence of circumcision and segregation of males at puberty. The amount of contact between the father and son is also examined as a factor.

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  7. Societies in which mother and son sleep in the same bed and the father sleeps in another hut/village will be more likely to have male circumcision than societies in which the father sleeps in the same hut (280).Kitahara, Michio - Social contact versus bodily contact: a qualitative difference between fathe..., 1978 - 2 Variables

    This article draws on psychoanalytic theory and a previous study by Whiting (1964) to test the relationship between parent-child sleeping arrangements, particularly the implied social distance of fathers, and the presence of circumcision for males. Circumcision is assumed to be a social correction for mother-oriented personality in sons.

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  8. Female premarital sex is more likely to be restricted in societies in which marriage involves a bride-price.Šaffa, Gabriel - Paternity Uncertainty and Parent–Offspring Conflict Explain Restrictions on ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    This study tests competing theories about whether it is men, women, or parents who benefit most from restricting female premarital sex (FPS) in a global sample of 128 non-industrial societies. The study found support for the idea that multiple parties benefit from restrictions on FPS -- specifically FPS is more restricted in societies intolerant of extramarital sex and where men transfer property to their children (male control), as well as where marriages are arranged by parents (parental control). They also found that major predictors of FPS appear to be paternity uncertainty and parent-offspring conflict. Furthermore, the study found that multiple factors such as social roles, rather than stereotyped sex roles, are a more useful approach in understanding FPS restrictions and these restrictions.

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  9. Female premarital sex is more likely to be restricted in societies in which marriage involves a dowry.Šaffa, Gabriel - Paternity Uncertainty and Parent–Offspring Conflict Explain Restrictions on ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    This study tests competing theories about whether it is men, women, or parents who benefit most from restricting female premarital sex (FPS) in a global sample of 128 non-industrial societies. The study found support for the idea that multiple parties benefit from restrictions on FPS -- specifically FPS is more restricted in societies intolerant of extramarital sex and where men transfer property to their children (male control), as well as where marriages are arranged by parents (parental control). They also found that major predictors of FPS appear to be paternity uncertainty and parent-offspring conflict. Furthermore, the study found that multiple factors such as social roles, rather than stereotyped sex roles, are a more useful approach in understanding FPS restrictions and these restrictions.

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  10. Societies in which the mother and son sleep in the same bed and the father sleeps separately in the same hut will be more likely to have male circumcision; societies in which the mother and son sleep separately but in the same hut with the father will be less likely to have male circumsion (279).Kitahara, Michio - Social contact versus bodily contact: a qualitative difference between fathe..., 1978 - 2 Variables

    This article draws on psychoanalytic theory and a previous study by Whiting (1964) to test the relationship between parent-child sleeping arrangements, particularly the implied social distance of fathers, and the presence of circumcision for males. Circumcision is assumed to be a social correction for mother-oriented personality in sons.

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