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  1. "We expected to find that societies with institutionalized forms of Trance were more likely to be those coded by D'Andrade as having the use of dreams to seek and control supernatural powers than those that do not have institutionalized forms of Trance" (418)Bourguignon, Erika - Dreams and altered states of consciousness in anthropological research, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This chapter reviews various ethnographic and psychological studies of dreaming and hypothesizes about the relationship between institutionalized forms of trance and the use of dreams. Results show that societies with institutionalized forms of trance are more likely to use dreams to seek and control supernatural powers.

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  2. "Hunting and fishing societies will be likely to use dreams to seek and control supernatural powers, while societies with both agriculture and animal husbandry will be less likely to use dreams in this fashion. Societies with either agriculture or animal husbandry, but not both, should fall between these two extremes" (325).D'Andrade, Roy G. - Anthropological studies of dreams, 1961 - 2 Variables

    This article proposes that societal factors that cause anxiety concerning isolation and self-reliance leads to a preoccupation with dreams. Authors test associations between subsistence economy and marital residence and the use of dreams to seek and control supernatural powers.

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  3. The figures show a regular increase of public control of marriage and public punishment for adultery with advancing economic development (166)Hobhouse, L. T. - The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an ess..., 1915 - 3 Variables

    An early cross-cultural study that sought to establish correlations between "stages" of economic culture and a variety of different social and political institutions, such as form of government and justice, marriage and kinship, and behaviors during warfare.

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  4. Bride's consent to marriage has a curvilinear relationship to economic development. Consent not required falls from the Lower to Higher Hunters, rises in Middle Agriculture and falls again with Agriculture. It rises sharply for pastoral peoples (158)Hobhouse, L. T. - The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an ess..., 1915 - 2 Variables

    An early cross-cultural study that sought to establish correlations between "stages" of economic culture and a variety of different social and political institutions, such as form of government and justice, marriage and kinship, and behaviors during warfare.

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  5. "The greater the socialization anxiety of dependence, the greater the degree to which supernatural nurturance is contingent upon propitiatory ritual" (200)Spiro, Melford E. - A cross-cultural study of some supernatural beliefs, 1967 - 3 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between child training and supernatural beliefs. The authors develop a schema delineating the role of the supernatural in nurturance and punishment; ten hypotheses associating the role of the supernatural with various child training practices are tested. Several are confirmed.

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  6. "The greater the socialization anxiety of all behavior systems, the greater the degree to which supernatural punishment is contingent upon disobedience of supernatural demands" (201)Spiro, Melford E. - A cross-cultural study of some supernatural beliefs, 1967 - 3 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between child training and supernatural beliefs. The authors develop a schema delineating the role of the supernatural in nurturance and punishment; ten hypotheses associating the role of the supernatural with various child training practices are tested. Several are confirmed.

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  7. "The lower the socialization of dependence, the greater the degree to which supernatural nurturance is noncontingent" (200)Spiro, Melford E. - A cross-cultural study of some supernatural beliefs, 1967 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between child training and supernatural beliefs. The authors develop a schema delineating the role of the supernatural in nurturance and punishment; ten hypotheses associating the role of the supernatural with various child training practices are tested. Several are confirmed.

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  8. Divorce, whether by will of either party, consent of both, or subject to bride price adjustments, is unrelated to economic development (165)Hobhouse, L. T. - The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an ess..., 1915 - 2 Variables

    An early cross-cultural study that sought to establish correlations between "stages" of economic culture and a variety of different social and political institutions, such as form of government and justice, marriage and kinship, and behaviors during warfare.

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  9. Consideration given for the bride as a basis of marriage and particularly outright purchase increases markedly with the advance of economic culture (155)Hobhouse, L. T. - The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an ess..., 1915 - 2 Variables

    An early cross-cultural study that sought to establish correlations between "stages" of economic culture and a variety of different social and political institutions, such as form of government and justice, marriage and kinship, and behaviors during warfare.

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  10. "[There is] a fairly constant tendency to a greater chastity [with increased economic development]" (169)Hobhouse, L. T. - The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an ess..., 1915 - 2 Variables

    An early cross-cultural study that sought to establish correlations between "stages" of economic culture and a variety of different social and political institutions, such as form of government and justice, marriage and kinship, and behaviors during warfare.

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