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  1. Controlling on the presence/absence of high male mortality in warfare, delayed age at marriage will be associated with polygyny (11).Ember, Melvin - Alternative predictors of polygyny, 1984 - 3 Variables

    "This paper describes how the "sex-ratio" explanation of polygyny compares with some alternative, supposedly causal explanations. The results suggest that polygyny is best predicted by two statistically independent factors--high male mortality in warfare…and delayed age of marriage for men."

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  2. "A high male mortality in warfare is strongly associated with polygyny" (202)Ember, Melvin - Warfare, sex ratio and polygyny, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper suggests that polygyny may be best explained by uneven sex ratios, particularly an excess of women while men are engaged in warfare. The author also considers Whiting’s 1964 theory that used post-partum sex taboos to explain polygyny. These two theories are tested cross-culturally and results suggest that polygyny is a response to an unbalanced sex ratio in favor of women.

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  3. Societies where there is at least a seven-year discrepancy in age at marriage or high male mortality in warfare will tend to have polygyny (13).Ember, Melvin - Alternative predictors of polygyny, 1984 - 3 Variables

    "This paper describes how the "sex-ratio" explanation of polygyny compares with some alternative, supposedly causal explanations. The results suggest that polygyny is best predicted by two statistically independent factors--high male mortality in warfare…and delayed age of marriage for men."

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  4. "However, when we control on Whiting's predictor, i.e., presence or absence of a long postpartum sex taboo, a strong relationship between high male mortality and polygyny still obtains, in the presence of both a long and a short postpartum sex taboo" (202)Ember, Melvin - Warfare, sex ratio and polygyny, 1974 - 3 Variables

    This paper suggests that polygyny may be best explained by uneven sex ratios, particularly an excess of women while men are engaged in warfare. The author also considers Whiting’s 1964 theory that used post-partum sex taboos to explain polygyny. These two theories are tested cross-culturally and results suggest that polygyny is a response to an unbalanced sex ratio in favor of women.

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  5. "In the presence of a short [postpartum sex] taboo, which is the more crucial control situation, . . . [there is a strong] correlation between high male mortality and polygyny" (202)Ember, Melvin - Warfare, sex ratio and polygyny, 1974 - 3 Variables

    This paper suggests that polygyny may be best explained by uneven sex ratios, particularly an excess of women while men are engaged in warfare. The author also considers Whiting’s 1964 theory that used post-partum sex taboos to explain polygyny. These two theories are tested cross-culturally and results suggest that polygyny is a response to an unbalanced sex ratio in favor of women.

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  6. "There is no significant association between a long postpartum taboo and polygyny in either the high or low male mortality situation . . . when we control for male mortality in warfare" (202)Ember, Melvin - Warfare, sex ratio and polygyny, 1974 - 3 Variables

    This paper suggests that polygyny may be best explained by uneven sex ratios, particularly an excess of women while men are engaged in warfare. The author also considers Whiting’s 1964 theory that used post-partum sex taboos to explain polygyny. These two theories are tested cross-culturally and results suggest that polygyny is a response to an unbalanced sex ratio in favor of women.

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  7. "[Societies] with a high male loss in warfare are significantly more likely to have an imbalanced sex ratio in favor of females than . . . [societies] with a low or zero male loss in warfare" (201-202)Ember, Melvin - Warfare, sex ratio and polygyny, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper suggests that polygyny may be best explained by uneven sex ratios, particularly an excess of women while men are engaged in warfare. The author also considers Whiting’s 1964 theory that used post-partum sex taboos to explain polygyny. These two theories are tested cross-culturally and results suggest that polygyny is a response to an unbalanced sex ratio in favor of women.

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  8. In nonstate societies, male mortality in warfare will be positively associated with nonsororal polygyny.Ember, Melvin - Comparing explanations of polygyny, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This article uses logistic regression analysis to examine pathogen stress and male mortality in warfare as predictors of nonsororal polygyny. Differences between state and non-state societies are observed. The authors also retest variables from White and Burton's 1988 study on causes of polygyny, finding only fraternal interest groups and absence of plow significant.

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  9. Delayed age at marriage in men will be associated with polygyny (10).Ember, Melvin - Alternative predictors of polygyny, 1984 - 2 Variables

    "This paper describes how the "sex-ratio" explanation of polygyny compares with some alternative, supposedly causal explanations. The results suggest that polygyny is best predicted by two statistically independent factors--high male mortality in warfare…and delayed age of marriage for men."

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  10. In a multiple regression, father-infant sleeping distance will be associated with warfare frequency, marrying enemies, and polygyny (108).Ember, Carol R. - War and socialization of children: comparing two evolutionary models, 2007 - 4 Variables

    This article presents two evolutionary models that may explain relationships between war and socialization of children: the "environmentally contingent reproductive strategy" (ECRS) model put forward by Draper and Harpending (1982), and a model put forward by Carol and Melvin Ember. Results do not provide support for the hypotheses involving father-infant sleeping proximity derived from the ECRS model. The authors also find some inconsistencies with their own model.

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