Found 2993 Hypotheses across 300 Pages (0.043 seconds)
  1. Male and female ornamentation should be low in ecologically monogamous societies (469).Low, Bobbi S. - Sexual selection and human ornamentation, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the role of male and female ornamentation. Several hypotheses concerning mating systems and ornamentation are empirically tested; several are supported.

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  2. Mated females will be less ornamented and male ornamentation will vary by puberty, wealth, or power (469).Low, Bobbi S. - Sexual selection and human ornamentation, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the role of male and female ornamentation. Several hypotheses concerning mating systems and ornamentation are empirically tested; several are supported.

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  3. Ornamentation will occur in all societies and will differ between the sexes (469).Low, Bobbi S. - Sexual selection and human ornamentation, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the role of male and female ornamentation. Several hypotheses concerning mating systems and ornamentation are empirically tested; several are supported.

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  4. Male and female ornamentation will be positively associated with socially-imposed monogamy (469, 485).Low, Bobbi S. - Sexual selection and human ornamentation, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the role of male and female ornamentation. Several hypotheses concerning mating systems and ornamentation are empirically tested; several are supported.

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  5. Male-male competition and degree of male ornamentation will be positively associated with harem polygyny and promiscuous polygyny (469, 485).Low, Bobbi S. - Sexual selection and human ornamentation, 1979 - 3 Variables

    This chapter examines the role of male and female ornamentation. Several hypotheses concerning mating systems and ornamentation are empirically tested; several are supported.

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  6. Pathogen stress is positively associated with the signalling of fitness (116).Low, Bobbi S. - Pathogen stress and polygyny in humans, 1987 - 2 Variables

    This study tests the association between pathogen risk and degree of polygyny and sexual advertisement. Results show that the greater the risk of serious pathogens, the greater the degree of polygyny. The correlation between pathogen risk and sexual signals is only marginally significant. An association between mate choice and resource control is also examined.

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  7. Higher tightness in societies will predict higher synchrony of dress.Ember, Carol R. - Uniformity in Dress: A Worldwide Cross-Cultural Comparison, 2023 - 2 Variables

    This study follows the theoretical construct of general cultural tightness and looseness (TL). Tightness is thought to be adaptive when facing socioecological threat, such as resource stress, since it involves a greater amount of cooperation. The study asks: "Why do some societies have relatively standardized or uniform clothing and adornment, whereas others have considerable variability across individuals?", which is connected to the broader question of why some societies show more within-group variation. The authors use a sample of 80 non-industrial societies from SCSS, to explore the relationship between general cultural tightness and standardization or synchrony in dress. The results support that tighter societies have more uniformity in dress and that resource stress is a predictor of synchrony. However, it is not supported that egalitarian societies have more synchrony, and that tightness is positively predicted by resource stress.

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  8. Women's overt political power will be associated with group size, mobility, sex ratio, marriage system, male absence, ability to participate with men, female contribution to subsistence, level of political sovereignty, political organization hierarchy, and geographic region (70).Low, Bobbi S. - Sex, coalitions, and politics in preindustrial societies, 1992 - 10 Variables

    This article investigates possible correlates of women’s overt political power in a cross-cultural sample. Rule of descent—specifically, matrilineal or double descent— is the only factor the author found to be associated with women’s overt political power. Several other factors, including sex ratio, subsistence type, contribution to subsistence, and political system, are not associated. The author also includes a discussion of political activity among chimpanzees, as well as a brief ethnographic summary of several societies in which women have political power.

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  9. Low rainfall seasonality is associated with greater female inheritance of property (6)Low, Bobbi S. - Sex, power, and resources: ecological and social correlates of sex differences, 1990 - 2 Variables

    This article focuses on ecological correlates of sexual division in the control of resources. The author tests several ecological theories put forth by others. Sex coalitions are examined in humans, and sexual dimorphism in resource acquisition and control is discussed.

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  10. Transgendered male androphilia societies are likely to accept same-sex sexual behavior (383).VanderLaan, Doug P. - Male androphilia in the ancestral environment: an ethnological analysis, 2013 - 1 Variables

    "The kin selection hypothesis posits that male androphilia evolved because androphilic males invest more in kin, thereby enhancing inclusive fitness." However, increased kin-directed altruism has only been seen in societies that exhibit transgendered male androphilia. To test the validity of the kin selection hypothesis for male androphilia, the authors examine the relationship between ancestral sociocultural conditions, access to kin, and societal reactions to homosexuality and the expression of male androphilia as transgendered or non-transgendered. They find that ancestral sociocultural conditions and bilateral and double descent systems were more common in transgendered than non-transgendered societies.

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