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  1. Controlling for genetics, climate, and nutrition, infant stress will be significantly related to adult male height (361).Landauer, Thomas K. - Correlates and consequences of stress in infancy, 1981 - 5 Variables

    This study is a continuation of previous research on the relationship between stress during infancy and adult height. With a better understanding of the stressors that infants experience and their effects, the authors test whether the relationship between stress and adult height remains significant when accounting for other environmental factors that may influence adult height. Results suggest that the relationship between infant stress and adult height does remain significant. Findings also show a relationship between infant stress and age at menarche.

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  2. Infant stress (physical or separation) will be correlated with age at menarche (366).Landauer, Thomas K. - Correlates and consequences of stress in infancy, 1981 - 2 Variables

    This study is a continuation of previous research on the relationship between stress during infancy and adult height. With a better understanding of the stressors that infants experience and their effects, the authors test whether the relationship between stress and adult height remains significant when accounting for other environmental factors that may influence adult height. Results suggest that the relationship between infant stress and adult height does remain significant. Findings also show a relationship between infant stress and age at menarche.

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  3. "In societies where infants' heads/limbs were repeatedly molded or stretched, where ears, noses or lips were pierced, where they were circumcised, vaccinated, innoculated or scarred with tribal marks, mean adult stature was over two inches greater" (1018)Landauer, Thomas K. - Infantile stimulation and adult stature of human males, 1964 - 4 Variables

    In previous studies, researchers have observed an increased growth rate in rats that experienced stimulation during infancy. This study examines the relationship between stressful experiences during infancy and adult male stature in humans cross-culturally. Results suggest a strong positive relationship between infant stress and adult male stature.

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  4. "Adult males are on the average taller in societies judged to practice periodic mother-infant separation than they are in societies where such customs are judged to be weak" (199)Gunders, Shulamith - Mother-infant separation and physical growth, 1968 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between adult male height and mother-infant separation. Results indicate that males who are separated from their mothers briefly during infancy are taller in adulthood than those who are not.

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  5. Among European men, greater height will be negatively associated with support for government redistribution of wealthRichardson, Thomas - Height is associated with more self-serving beliefs about wealth redistribution, 2020 - 2 Variables

    This article is primarily concerned with formidability theory. This theory suggests that physical strength among men affects their views on social issues because evolutionary physically stronger men would have benefitted from more unequal power arrangements. Thus, the author seeks to investigate an association between height and views on wealth redistribution among European men. Through modeling, such a relationship was found and the author concludes that there is support for this theory.

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  6. "As pathogen severity increases, so should permanenent marking of body areas that are attended to for evaluating attractiveness and mate quality" (403).Singh, Devendra - Sex differences in the anatomical locations of human body scarification and ..., 1997 - 6 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between body scarification and pathogen prevalence. Authors hypothesize that risk of serious pathogens will be related to scarification on areas of the body that are associated with physical attractiveness and fertility. Results show that only female stomach scarification is significantly related to pathogen prevalence.

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  7. ". . . songs in societies where infant stress is practiced will be characterized by more forceful accent than songs in societies where infant stress is absent" (213).Ayres, Barbara - Effects of infantile stimulation on musical behavior, 1968 - 2 Variables

    This chapter tests the influences of physiological stressors during infancy on different aspects of musical behavior. Findings suggest that songs in societies where infantile stress is practiced will be characterized by stronger accents and a wider range.

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  8. ". . . songs from societies where infant stress is present would be characterized by wider range than songs from societies where stress is absent" (213).Ayres, Barbara - Effects of infantile stimulation on musical behavior, 1968 - 2 Variables

    This chapter tests the influences of physiological stressors during infancy on different aspects of musical behavior. Findings suggest that songs in societies where infantile stress is practiced will be characterized by stronger accents and a wider range.

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  9. Societies with close mother-infant contact and patrilineage will practice male circumcision ceremonies. In societies with close mother-infant contact and without patrilineages, the couvade will be present (627).Munroe, Robert L. - Male sex role resolutions, 1981 - 4 Variables

    This chapter discusses the predictors of the couvade and male circumcision ceremonies cross-culturally. New findings suggest relationships between these two variables and infant carrying practices, marital residence, and descent.

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  10. Exclusive mother-infant sleeping and a long postpartum sex taboo are positively associated with male initiation.Ember, Carol R. - Explaining male initiation ceremonies: new cross-cultural tests and a cataly..., 2010 - 3 Variables

    This article discusses two different explanations of male initiation ceremonies. Evidence is also presented that suggests that psychological conflict might strongly predict male initiation in the presence of the following catalysts: nonmatrilocal residence, nonstate political organization, and warfare.

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