Found 3626 Hypotheses across 363 Pages (0.005 seconds)
  1. "A breakdown of the instrumental role into provision [economic support] and socialization functions [in matrilineal cases shows that] . . . the husband-father [not the mother's brother] is generally held responsible for the support of his own wife and children" (330)Zelditch, Morris - Role differentiation in the nuclear family: a comparative study, 1955 - 2 Variables

    In a volume devoted to the understanding of the American family, the author, using data from 56 societies, tests a couple of hypotheses about role differentiation in the nuclear family.

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  2. ". . . Malinowski's hypothesis . . . states that we expect all matrilineal cases to show both father and mother [have] expressive [roles]" (329)Zelditch, Morris - Role differentiation in the nuclear family: a comparative study, 1955 - 2 Variables

    In a volume devoted to the understanding of the American family, the author, using data from 56 societies, tests a couple of hypotheses about role differentiation in the nuclear family.

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  3. ". . . the effect of focus on mother's descent group does not reverse the allocation of roles in the nuclear family" (335)Zelditch, Morris - Role differentiation in the nuclear family: a comparative study, 1955 - 2 Variables

    In a volume devoted to the understanding of the American family, the author, using data from 56 societies, tests a couple of hypotheses about role differentiation in the nuclear family.

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  4. "There appeared to be a statistically significant association between patrilinearity and instrumental leadership of the father and father's sister and expressive leadership of mother's brother" (66)Berting, J. - Solidarity, stratification and sentiment: the unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article tests differing theories of why a man's marriage of his mother's brother's daughter is often encouraged while marriage of the father's sister's daughter is discouraged. Maintenance of relationships between bride-givers and bride takers is considered, as are the role of childhood sentiments in choosing a spouse.

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  5. "If bilaterality (verus unilineality) were to correlate with modernity of society--in the sense of a higher level of the production forces . . . and the nuclear family . . . reflects the level of production forces . . . then bilaterality should be . . . accompanied by absence of extended families . . ." (96)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  6. "No prediction can be made about the presence or absence of exclusive monogamy from the . . . information [bilateral descent-independent family-small household]" (1461)Chaney, Richard P. - Typology and patterning: Spiro's sample re-examined, 1966 - 4 Variables

    This article suggests that Spiro's (1965) study on typology of social structure used a biased cross-cultural sample and possibly obscured regional patterns in data. Hypotheses related to marital structure, descent rules, food production and social stratification are tested.

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  7. Linear nomenclature for uncles will be associated with succession, financial consideration at marriage, marital residence, and household type (881).Farber, Bernard - Bilateral kinship: centripetal and centrifugal types of organization, 1975 - 5 Variables

    This paper describes a typology which is intended to indicate the kinds of family and kinship structures associated with the conflicting requirements of cohesion and differentiation of broader social structures.

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  8. Findings: Factor L, "Lineality", is bipolar. Traits which load heavily and positively (oblimax rotation) are: patripotestal family authority, patrilineal inheritance, patrilineal descent, patrilineal succession, and subjection of women. Negative loadings are for matrilineal inheritance and descent (21)Gouldner, Alvin W. - Notes on technology and the moral order, 1962 - 8 Variables

    Using empirical data and statistical methodology, Gouldner and Peterson aim to identify fundamental dimensions across societies, examine the relationships among these dimensions, and evaluate their importance. Data analysis is largely based on factor analysis, and the authors discuss how statistical methods fit into functional social theory.

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  9. "Differences in the brother-sister relationship [avoidance-respect-joking] show a distribution linked with descent. Patrilineal societies show considerably more informality in their cross-sex sibling relations than do either matrilineal or bilateral societies" (193)Goody, Jack - Cross-sex patterns of kin behavior: a comment, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines the behavior between close kin and affines of the opposite sex. The authors "point to certain differences between continental areas that are related to specific social factors, including the structure of descent groups and the nature of marriage arrangements."

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  10. Societies with a hunting-gathering subsistence base will be patrilocal and patrilineal (185).Martin, M. Kay - Female of the species, 1975 - 9 Variables

    This book discusses the role of women cross-culturally. The authors use a cross-cultural sample to examine the differences between men and women in contribution to subsistence as well as the social juxtaposition of the sexes in foraging, horticultural, agricultural, pastoral, and industrial societies.

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