Found 2104 Hypotheses across 211 Pages (0.044 seconds)
  1. Social differentiation will be positively associated with property crime (250).Leavitt, Gregory C. - General evolution and Durkheim's hypothesis of crime frequency: A cross-cult..., 1992 - 15 Variables

    This paper is an investigation into the relationship between social differentiation as a proxy for societal 'development' and various categories of crime. A positive relationship is interpreted by the author as empirical cross-cultural support for Durkheim's theory that these two factors will increase together as parallel processes of 'sociocultural evolution'.

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  2. Social differentiation will be positively associated with violent crime (249).Leavitt, Gregory C. - General evolution and Durkheim's hypothesis of crime frequency: A cross-cult..., 1992 - 16 Variables

    This paper is an investigation into the relationship between social differentiation as a proxy for societal 'development' and various categories of crime. A positive relationship is interpreted by the author as empirical cross-cultural support for Durkheim's theory that these two factors will increase together as parallel processes of 'sociocultural evolution'.

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  3. ". . . patrilineal institutions [are] associated with the presence of traits indicative of higher civilization, matrilineal institutions with their absence. [Some of these are:] agriculture, [animal] domestication, writing, pottery, weaving, metals, [labor] specialization, money, [social] classes, government [and] priesthood . . ." (467)Murdock, George Peter - Correlations of matrilineal and patrilineal institutions, 1937 - 12 Variables

    This chapter investigates the various socioeconomic variables that are associated with matrilineal and patrilineal institutions. Several variables were found to correlate significantly with matrilineal and patrilineal institutions.

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  4. Controlling for simple societies, incest taboo extension is negatively associated with military, transportation, and communication technology as well as economic differentiation, settlement size, and trade (116, 119, 124).Leavitt, Gregory C. - Disappearance of the incest taboo: a cross-cultural test of general evolutio..., 1989 - 5 Variables

    This article presents a theory of evolutionary development of incest regulation, namely that as societal complexity increases the incest taboo will become less extensive. The author presents empirical support for this theory, though the association is not supported among simply structured societies. The role of descent type is also discussed.

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  5. "Complex . . . technological activities, metal working with the application of fire . . . and weaving (with the use of loom or frame) [favors the development of restrictive premarital sex behavior]" (402)Murdock, George Peter - Cultural correlates of the regulation of premarital sex behavior, 1964 - 3 Variables

    This chapter examines the variables that favor restrictive premarital sex norms. Findings indicate that subsistence economy, technology, population size, political integration, belief in a high god, and residence are all correlated with premarital sex norms.

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  6. Exclusive membership in productive organizations (POs) and enhanced social learning within them will increase the size of the local population.Brahm, Francisco - The evolution of productive organizations, 2021 - 3 Variables

    Drawing from cultural evolution theory, the authors develop a model to explain the origin and evolution of productive organizations (organizations specialized in producing goods and services to satisfy human needs). They propose that productive organizations have two characteristics: exclusive membership and enhanced social learning within the organization. They find their predictions supported in a global sample of premodern societies.

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  7. Social stratification, technological specialization, and urbanization will be postively associated with political integration (81).Peregrine, Peter N. - Modeling state origins using cross-cultural data, 2007 - 4 Variables

    This article stresses the use of multivariate analysis to study the emergence of states. The authors first discuss how social inequality, population density, and trade affect state development. Next, they turn to a time series regression to formally examine social stratification, urbanization, technological specialization as predictors of political integration. Finally, economic vulnerability and scalar stress are considered as possible underlying factors in the emergence of states.

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  8. There will be a relationship between slavery and social complexityHrnčíř, Václav - Archaeology of slavery from cross-cultural perspective, 2017 - 13 Variables

    The authors examine correlations between slavery and variables that can potentially be detected archaeologically. The authors do not test specific hypotheses, but aim to explore the variables in a broader sense. As such, the authors use a grounded theory approach to data analysis in order to examine trends that emerge from the data itself.

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  9. In simple societies, women will have less occupational choice than men (207)Naroll, Maud - Women's occupational opportunities: a cross-cultural test, 1989 - 1 Variables

    A brief review of research on women's status is presented. Predictions are tested about women's choice of occupation in relation to levels of social complexity.

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  10. Findings: A factor analysis of traits used to develop a settlement pattern scale of cultural complexity yielded three important factors. Factor 6, "Economic" (oblique rotation), loaded heavily and positively on property, trade, and status variables (245)McNett, Charles W., Jr. - Factor analysis of a cross-cultural sample, 1973 - 6 Variables

    This study employs factor analysis to develop a settlement pattern scale of cultural complexity. Political, economic, and religious factors are identified and implications for the structure of the cultural system are discussed.

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