Found 4464 Hypotheses across 447 Pages (0.042 seconds)
  1. Landesque capital intensive agriculture (representing general intensive agriculture) will be consistent with a model that has social stratification and political complexity (representing hierarchy) as the dependent variable.Sheehan, Oliver - Coevolution of landesque capital intensive agriculture and sociopolitical hi..., 2018 - 3 Variables

    Using phylogenetic methods, this research examines the relationship between landesque capital intensive agriculture ("permanent changes to landscape, such as construction of terraces and irrigation canals"(3631)) , political complexity, and social stratification amongst 155 Austronesian-speaking societies. Researchers attempted to find an underlying causality between the above mentioned variables, which have already been shown to be cross-culturally related. Results of statistical testing are most consistent with their being no clear causal link between the tested variables. The researchers claim this demonstrates social complexity and the multifaceted nature of cultural evolution.

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  2. Social stratification and political complexity (representing hierarchy) will be consistent with a model that has landesque capital intensive agriculture as the dependent variable.Sheehan, Oliver - Coevolution of landesque capital intensive agriculture and sociopolitical hi..., 2018 - 3 Variables

    Using phylogenetic methods, this research examines the relationship between landesque capital intensive agriculture ("permanent changes to landscape, such as construction of terraces and irrigation canals"(3631)) , political complexity, and social stratification amongst 155 Austronesian-speaking societies. Researchers attempted to find an underlying causality between the above mentioned variables, which have already been shown to be cross-culturally related. Results of statistical testing are most consistent with their being no clear causal link between the tested variables. The researchers claim this demonstrates social complexity and the multifaceted nature of cultural evolution.

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  3. A model examining the predictor variables of political complexity, social inequality, and population size, as well as the control variables of cultural isolation and year of missionary arrival, will predict the conversion time of Austronesian cultures to Christianity.Watts, Joseph - Christianity spread faster in small, politically structures societies, 2018 - 6 Variables

    The present study examines 70 Austronesian cultures to test whether political hierarchy, population size, and social inequality have been influential in the conversion of populations to Christianity. Cultural isolation and year of missionary arrival are control variables. Using phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS), the researchers test the effect of the three predictor variables on conversion to Christianity and also conduct a multivariate analysis with all variables. The results do not offer support for what is expected by top-down and bottom-up theories of conversion but instead for the general dynamics of cultural transmission.

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  4. In Austronesian societies, religious and political authorities are mutually interdependent.Sheehan, Oliver - Coevolution of religious and political authority in Austronesian societies, 2023 - 2 Variables

    Using data from 97 Austronesian-speaking societies, this paper asks two research questions: 1) have religious and political authority co-evolved and 2) have the two institutions tended to become differentiated or unified? By applying phylogenetic methods, the findings show that in Austronesian societies, religious and political authorities are mutually interdependent; however, there is insufficient evidence to support any differentiation or unification of the two over time.

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  5. As predicted by bottom-up theories of conversion, Austronesian cultures with higher levels of social inequality will be faster to convert to Christianity than those with lower levels.Watts, Joseph - Christianity spread faster in small, politically structures societies, 2018 - 2 Variables

    The present study examines 70 Austronesian cultures to test whether political hierarchy, population size, and social inequality have been influential in the conversion of populations to Christianity. Cultural isolation and year of missionary arrival are control variables. Using phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS), the researchers test the effect of the three predictor variables on conversion to Christianity and also conduct a multivariate analysis with all variables. The results do not offer support for what is expected by top-down and bottom-up theories of conversion but instead for the general dynamics of cultural transmission.

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  6. As predicted by top-down theories of conversion, Austronesian cultures with greater political organization will be faster to convert to Christianity than those with less political organization.Watts, Joseph - Christianity spread faster in small, politically structures societies, 2018 - 2 Variables

    The present study examines 70 Austronesian cultures to test whether political hierarchy, population size, and social inequality have been influential in the conversion of populations to Christianity. Cultural isolation and year of missionary arrival are control variables. Using phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS), the researchers test the effect of the three predictor variables on conversion to Christianity and also conduct a multivariate analysis with all variables. The results do not offer support for what is expected by top-down and bottom-up theories of conversion but instead for the general dynamics of cultural transmission.

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  7. Human sacrifice can co-evolve with social stratification (the probability of change in social stratification and the presence/absence of human sacrifice are interdependent) [First Analysis] (229).Watts, Joseph - Ritual human sacrifice promoted and sustained the evolution of stratified so..., 2016 - 2 Variables

    The social control hypothesis suggests that ritual human sacrifice may have played an important role in the evolution of social stratification, functioning to legitimize class-based power distinctions by pairing displays of ultimate authority with supernatural justifications. Authors test this hypothesis about human sacrifice with a phylogenetic analysis of 93 Austronesian cultures.

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  8. Human sacrifice can co-evolve with social stratification (the probability of change in social stratification and the presence/absence of human sacrifice are interdependent) [Second Analysis] (229).Watts, Joseph - Ritual human sacrifice promoted and sustained the evolution of stratified so..., 2016 - 2 Variables

    The social control hypothesis suggests that ritual human sacrifice may have played an important role in the evolution of social stratification, functioning to legitimize class-based power distinctions by pairing displays of ultimate authority with supernatural justifications. Authors test this hypothesis about human sacrifice with a phylogenetic analysis of 93 Austronesian cultures.

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  9. Transitions away from matriliny are positively associated with increased social complexity, markers of colonialism, and subsistence transitions towards pastoralism, intensive agriculture, or a market economy.Shenk, Mary K. - When does matriliny fail? The frequencies and causes of transitions to and f..., 2019 - 4 Variables

    Researchers looked at 180 of the 186 societies in the SCCS for changes over time in lineage systems. The goal was to estimate the frequency of transitions away from and to matriliny cross-culturally, as well as explore the potential causes of these patterns / transitions. The study focused on two overarching research questions: 1. How common are transitions away from matriliny and how often do ‘reverse transitions’ to matriliny occur? 2. What causes transitions to or from matriliny? Overall, the study found that transitions away from matriliny have been quite common within the time frames covered by the ethnographic samples available, while transitions from another system to matrility have been rare. In answering the second question, the researchers report the highest correlation is between subsistence transitions (towards pastoralism, intensive agriculture, or a market economy) and lineage transitions (away from matriliny) as well as between higher levels of social complexity (measured by stratification, slavery, and population size) and lineage transitions (away from matriliny).

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  10. Degree of political complexity will be associated with more plant-based agriculture, more animal husbandry, and less foraging (8)Gavin, Michael C. - The global geography of human subsistence, 2018 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to determine cross-culturally valid predictors of dominant types of human subsistence around the world. They did this by formulating multiple models that incorporate different combinations of environmental, geographic, and social factors. These models were then used to test various hypotheses posed throughout the anthropological literature surrounding factors that determine dominant subsistence strategies.

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