Found 4151 Hypotheses across 416 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. There are specific cultural methods for the removal of pubic hair.Craig, Lyndsey K. - Pubic Hair Removal Practices in Cross-Cultural Perspective, 2018 - 1 Variables

    Researcher's examine the presence of pubic hair removal (PHR) and retention in a cross-cultural setting, looking to see if such practices exist outside of the West, where it is well documented. Data from societies with PHR or retention from the eHRAF World Cultures sample were analyzed. Results indicate that PHR or retention exists cross-culturally without influence from the West. Commonly practiced for hygiene, women remove or retain pubic hair more often than men, with the main methods for removal being plucking.

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  2. There are specific cultural reasons for the removal or retention of pubic hair.Craig, Lyndsey K. - Pubic Hair Removal Practices in Cross-Cultural Perspective, 2018 - 1 Variables

    Researcher's examine the presence of pubic hair removal (PHR) and retention in a cross-cultural setting, looking to see if such practices exist outside of the West, where it is well documented. Data from societies with PHR or retention from the eHRAF World Cultures sample were analyzed. Results indicate that PHR or retention exists cross-culturally without influence from the West. Commonly practiced for hygiene, women remove or retain pubic hair more often than men, with the main methods for removal being plucking.

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  3. Human populations will spend less time grooming than expected based on nonhuman primate patterns (2).Jaeggi, Adrian V. - Human grooming in comparative perspective: People in six small‐scale societi..., 2017 - 1 Variables

    Grooming of conspecifics is thought to play an important social role among nonhuman primates, but the function and relative importance of such grooming among humans is unknown. Here the authors compare time spent grooming and conversing among six small-scale societies with grooming data from 69 nonhuman primate species. They test the hypothesis that conversation evolved among humans as an alternative way to obtain the social benefits (such as building and maintaining social alliances) of grooming in large groups.

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  4. Observed conversation time among human populations should fall well below the expected grooming times for humans based on nonhuman primate patterns (2).Jaeggi, Adrian V. - Human grooming in comparative perspective: People in six small‐scale societi..., 2017 - 2 Variables

    Grooming of conspecifics is thought to play an important social role among nonhuman primates, but the function and relative importance of such grooming among humans is unknown. Here the authors compare time spent grooming and conversing among six small-scale societies with grooming data from 69 nonhuman primate species. They test the hypothesis that conversation evolved among humans as an alternative way to obtain the social benefits (such as building and maintaining social alliances) of grooming in large groups.

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  5. In societies with ceremonies for both sexes, boys' ceremonies are positively associated with painful procedures, ceremonies resulting in familial independence, and ceremonies focusing on fertility/sexuality.Schlegel, Alice - Adolescent initiation ceremonies: a cross-cultural code, 1979 - 4 Variables

    This article presents codes for adolescent initiation ceremonies in the standard cross-cultural sample. Commonly held assumptions about initiation ceremonies were not supported. Article focuses on differences between male and female ceremonies. Statistically significant correlations between the codes are indicated.

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  6. Drunkenness is related to overt or latent homosexuality (68)Field, Peter B. - A new cross-cultural study of drunkenness, 1962 - 2 Variables

    This book chapter builds on Horton's 1943 psychoanalytical study of drunkenness. The author tests an overall theory that drunkenness, which facilitates personal and uninhibited interactions, is more acceptable, and therefore prevalent, in societies with loose, rather than rigid, social relationships. Indicators of social rigidity, such as strict socialization or male dominance through patrilocality, are tested for relationships to drunkenness.

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  7. Societies with male initiation rites involving both genital operation and isolation will be associated with painful initiation rites for femalesBrown, Judith K. - A cross-cultural study of female initiation rites, 1963 - 4 Variables

    This study explores why initiation rites for girls are observed in some societies and absent in others. Further, the author seeks to understand cross-cultural variation in the rites.

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  8. Male and female initiation rites co-evolved in Austronesian societies.Bentley, R. Alexander - Evolution of initiation rites during the Austronesian dispersal, 2021 - 1 Variables

    This paper builds on previous Austronesian dispersal research that indicated rituals and social complexity gave rise to each other, by examining if marital residence and initiation rites co-evolved during the dispersal. Using a phylogenetic test and initiation data from 79 societies, the authors found evidence that female and male initiation rites co-evolved during the dispersal and were most stable when both initiation rites were present. The authors also suggest that proto-Austronesian society probably lacked initiation rites and such rites only developed later.

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  9. Results will not change when controlling for income disparity (GINI) and cultural individualismHarrington, Jesse R. - Culture and National well-being: should societies emphasize freedom or const..., 2015 - 10 Variables

    The purpose of the present study is to provide insight on the debate concerning how best to organize societies: with more freedom (looseness) or with more constraint (tightness). In a comparison of 32 nations, Harrington, Boski, and Gelfand examine the relationship between tightness/looseness and three dimensions of societal well-being: psychosocial, health, and political/economic outcomes. Findings indicate that excessive constraint and/or freedom contribute to poorer psychosocial, health, and economic/political outcomes, as well as overall national-level well-being. These results suggest that a balance of freedom and constraint is associated with optimal societal well-being.

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  10. Ancestral initiation rites will be associated with post-marital residence systems for Austronesian societies.Bentley, R. Alexander - Evolution of initiation rites during the Austronesian dispersal, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This paper builds on previous Austronesian dispersal research that indicated rituals and social complexity gave rise to each other, by examining if marital residence and initiation rites co-evolved during the dispersal. Using a phylogenetic test and initiation data from 79 societies, the authors found evidence that female and male initiation rites co-evolved during the dispersal and were most stable when both initiation rites were present. The authors also suggest that proto-Austronesian society probably lacked initiation rites and such rites only developed later.

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