Found 2186 Hypotheses across 219 Pages (0.038 seconds)
  1. The introduction of pension plans will reduce the higher relative education for females or males associated with matrilocality or patrilocality, respectively.Bau, Natalie - Can Policy Change Culture? Government Pension Plans and Traditional Kinship ..., 2021 - 2 Variables

    In this paper, the author examines the effects of recent pension policies in Indonesia and Ghana on the practice of matri- or patrilocality. She also explores the relationships between these policies, marital residence, education, and elderly support. Her findings show that both matri/patrilocality and the investment parents make in their children have declined since the implementation of the pension plans.

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  2. The effects of offering pension plans on educational enrollment will be non-linear.Bau, Natalie - Can Policy Change Culture? Government Pension Plans and Traditional Kinship ..., 2021 - 2 Variables

    In this paper, the author examines the effects of recent pension policies in Indonesia and Ghana on the practice of matri- or patrilocality. She also explores the relationships between these policies, marital residence, education, and elderly support. Her findings show that both matri/patrilocality and the investment parents make in their children have declined since the implementation of the pension plans.

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  3. Parents will be more likely to transmit cultural norms of marital residence to educated children.Bau, Natalie - Can Policy Change Culture? Government Pension Plans and Traditional Kinship ..., 2021 - 2 Variables

    In this paper, the author examines the effects of recent pension policies in Indonesia and Ghana on the practice of matri- or patrilocality. She also explores the relationships between these policies, marital residence, education, and elderly support. Her findings show that both matri/patrilocality and the investment parents make in their children have declined since the implementation of the pension plans.

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  4. The introduction of pension plans will reduce traditional marital residence practices.Bau, Natalie - Can Policy Change Culture? Government Pension Plans and Traditional Kinship ..., 2021 - 2 Variables

    In this paper, the author examines the effects of recent pension policies in Indonesia and Ghana on the practice of matri- or patrilocality. She also explores the relationships between these policies, marital residence, education, and elderly support. Her findings show that both matri/patrilocality and the investment parents make in their children have declined since the implementation of the pension plans.

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  5. The reduced practice of matrilocality will reduce the practice of elderly support.Bau, Natalie - Can Policy Change Culture? Government Pension Plans and Traditional Kinship ..., 2021 - 2 Variables

    In this paper, the author examines the effects of recent pension policies in Indonesia and Ghana on the practice of matri- or patrilocality. She also explores the relationships between these policies, marital residence, education, and elderly support. Her findings show that both matri/patrilocality and the investment parents make in their children have declined since the implementation of the pension plans.

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  6. "[Residence and descent are highly correlated.] Nearly all patrilineal cultures are patrilocal or matri-patrilocal. . . . If matrilineal, societies may be patrilocal or matrilocal, with the latter predominating. . . . If the rule is double descent, the cultures are almost exclusively patrilocal" (24)Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and The social system and the family, 1965 - 2 Variables

    The author uses a world-wide sample of societies to address variation in famiy organization and the economic and social factors to which it relates.

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  7. Matrilocal societies have higher dwelling sizes than patrilocal societies.Brown, Barton McCaul - Population estimation from floor area: a restudy of "naroll's constant", 1987 - 2 Variables

    A restudy of Naroll's (1962) measure of dwelling floor area using theory that it is predicted by the basic needs for protection from climate and crowding. This theory is not supported by the findings but Brown posits a new average for estimating floor area in dwellings based on his sample.

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  8. "Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence should be correlated with a higher degree of local exogamy for males than is found with avunculocal or patrilocal residence" (300)Divale, William Tulio - The causes of matrilocal residence: a cross-ethnohistorical survey, 1974 - 2 Variables

    Author proposes and presents evidence in support of the theory that most societies practice virilocal or patrilocal residence (this is the "normal" pattern" and that matrilocal residence is adopted when societies migrate to an already populated area.

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  9. There is variability in residence patterns for hunter-gatherer and horticulturalist societies.Walker, Robert S. - Human Residence Patterns, 2015 - 2 Variables

    The present research examines the residence patterns of 34 hunter-gatherer societies and 34 lowland South American horticulturalist societies using census data. Contrary to the traditional view of patrilocal postmarital residence being prevalent, the present findings suggest more multilocality in residence patterns for hunter-gatherer and horticulturalist societies. The author concludes that hunter-gatherers are slightly patrilocal and horticulturalists slightly matrilocal.

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  10. Hunter-gatherer and lowland South American horticulturalist societies tend toward multilocality.Walker, Robert S. - Human Residence Patterns, 2015 - 2 Variables

    The present research examines the residence patterns of 34 hunter-gatherer societies and 34 lowland South American horticulturalist societies using census data. Contrary to the traditional view of patrilocal postmarital residence being prevalent, the present findings suggest more multilocality in residence patterns for hunter-gatherer and horticulturalist societies. The author concludes that hunter-gatherers are slightly patrilocal and horticulturalists slightly matrilocal.

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