Found 2893 Hypotheses across 290 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. As individual responsibility increases, the economic development of a country will increase.Davis, Lewis - Individual responsibility and economic development: evidence from rainfall data, 2016 - 3 Variables

    Drawing from risk sharing theory, this paper used data from 89 countries to examine the relationship between historic rainfall variation (before 1900) and the emergence of collectivism in, assumed to be, preindustrial societies. Contemporary values of individualistic responsibilities were used under the assumption that they will reflect preindustrial values. Findings support the hypothesis that countries with greater rainfall variation will have less individualism than countries with less rainfall variation. The author then examined rainfall variation and individual responsibility as a proposed catalyst for economic development. Support was found that as individualism increased, so did the economic development of a country.

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  2. Greater UV-R exposure will be negatively correlated with individualism sub-nationally.Fredriksson, Per G. - Sunlight and culture, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This article used sub-national, historical and cross-country data to examine if exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV-R) could be a factor in the formation of individualism and collectivism. The study found support, across all data sets, that increased exposure to UV-R is associated to more collectivism within a culture. The authors theorized that UV-R exposure increases the likelihood of eye disease causing higher rates of blindness. With increased levels of blindness, the more emphasis there will be on close family relations and/or increased uncertainty avoidance from out-groups leading to more collectivism in a culture.

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  3. Greater UV-R exposure will be negatively correlated with individualism in pre-industrial societies.Fredriksson, Per G. - Sunlight and culture, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This article used sub-national, historical and cross-country data to examine if exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV-R) could be a factor in the formation of individualism and collectivism. The study found support, across all data sets, that increased exposure to UV-R is associated to more collectivism within a culture. The authors theorized that UV-R exposure increases the likelihood of eye disease causing higher rates of blindness. With increased levels of blindness, the more emphasis there will be on close family relations and/or increased uncertainty avoidance from out-groups leading to more collectivism in a culture.

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  4. Greater UV-R exposure will be negatively correlated with individualism on a cross-country level.Fredriksson, Per G. - Sunlight and culture, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This article used sub-national, historical and cross-country data to examine if exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV-R) could be a factor in the formation of individualism and collectivism. The study found support, across all data sets, that increased exposure to UV-R is associated to more collectivism within a culture. The authors theorized that UV-R exposure increases the likelihood of eye disease causing higher rates of blindness. With increased levels of blindness, the more emphasis there will be on close family relations and/or increased uncertainty avoidance from out-groups leading to more collectivism in a culture.

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  5. Socialization for aggression will be positively associated with hypermasculine behaviors and traits in adult males (112)Broude, Gwen J. - Protest masculinity: a further look at the causes and the concept, 1990 - 2 Variables

    A study of the factors that predict extremely masculine behaviors and traits in men (conceptualized as protest masculinity in the status-envy and father-absence theories). Findings point to the important role of socialization for aggression as a mediating factor in the relationship between father's role and "protest masculinity."

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  6. Father's avaiability and sex of parent responsible for daily socialization will be positively associated with socialization for aggression (115)Broude, Gwen J. - Protest masculinity: a further look at the causes and the concept, 1990 - 3 Variables

    A study of the factors that predict extremely masculine behaviors and traits in men (conceptualized as protest masculinity in the status-envy and father-absence theories). Findings point to the important role of socialization for aggression as a mediating factor in the relationship between father's role and "protest masculinity."

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  7. Father's role will be mediated by socialization for aggression in its relationship to hypermasculine traits and behaviors in adult males (114)Broude, Gwen J. - Protest masculinity: a further look at the causes and the concept, 1990 - 3 Variables

    A study of the factors that predict extremely masculine behaviors and traits in men (conceptualized as protest masculinity in the status-envy and father-absence theories). Findings point to the important role of socialization for aggression as a mediating factor in the relationship between father's role and "protest masculinity."

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  8. Greater ancestral irrigation potential is associated with higher contemporary male labor force participation.Fredriksson, Per G. - Irrigation and gender roles, 2023 - 2 Variables

    This paper suggests that ancestral irrigation is linked to lower levels of contemporary female labor force participation. The hypothesis is tested using cross-country data, as well as data from various surveys. The study finds evidence that the gender-based division of labor in pre-modern agriculture may be the mechanism behind this relationship, and that cultural transmission across generations, particularly through males, may play a role in perpetuating this pattern.

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  9. Personal responsibility for climate change will be positively associated with economic developmentJakucionyte-Skodiene, Migle - Climate change concern, personal responsibility and actions related to clima..., 2021 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to understand the cultural and economic determinants of climate change concern and personal responsibility in climate change mitigation efforts. They do this by analyzing data on these topics drawn from survey participants from every European Union (EU) country. The paper is primarily concerned with cultural predictors (following Hofstede's (2001) cultural dimensions), levels of development, and personal impacts of climate change mitigation efforts.

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  10. Where a society's subsistence economy generates a more complex form of social organization, there will be a lower concentration of value emphases in children's socialization (p. 365).Welch, Michael R. - Social structural expansion, economic diversification, and concentration of ..., 1984 - 4 Variables

    This article investigates the relationship between economic type and socialization of children. The author focuses on the concentration of value emphases in childhood socialization--that is, whether children are instilled with several different value orientations rather than just one or two. Value concentration is examined alongside subsistence technology and economic diversification; attention is also paid to gender differences.

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